


当我离开拉姆利的大厅时,眼前浮现出上一季一位美丽少女的形象,她受到人们的默默崇拜,在远处热情地注视着;我无聊地、盲目地想知道女仆是否会友好地招呼我。这就是全部——其余的都在叮当作响的汤加酒吧里解决了。是的,我的生命和她的生命被汤加的联结杆联结在一起。因为我那朦胧的沉思,在第二次换站时,突然错位,逃到那无调的瓶子前,那是瓦格纳的强音、调音、双手断奏,在每匹小马的马鞍上,都是用叮叮作响的汤加棍弹的——我猜想,是用人类的语言弹的,是用摇摇晃晃的棍弹的。“上一季她很可爱,”我想,“不过,我的星星给了我这么小的希望,让我能坚持下去,这实在是太不合理了。这时,她低声说了些伤心地的话:‘我——我们觉得你的情况很糟糕!’”“你让机会溜走了吗?”那根嘎嘎作响的汤加棍敲了一下。“真是个机缘巧合,真是个白痴!”恶毒的舌棍咔哒一声说。人的心——啊,油灰的心!如果我走卡卡胡蒂,走那条古老的山路和车辙,我就逃过了那辆致命的车。但他的命运总要等待,所以我看着一个个里程碑从我身边滑过,变成了“你明天去拜访她!” -- fugue with cymbals by the bar -- You must call on Her to-morrow!" -- post-horn gallop by the bar. Yet a further stage my goal on -- we were whirling down to Solon, With a double lurch and roll on, best foot foremost, ganz und gar -- "She was very sweet," I hinted. "If a kiss had been imprinted?" -- "'Would ha' saved a world of trouble!" clashed the busy tonga-bar. "'Been accepted or rejected!" banged and clanged the tonga-bar. Then a notion wild and daring, 'spite the income tax's paring, And a hasty thought of sharing -- less than many incomes are, Made me put a question private, you can guess what I would drive at. "You must work the sum to prove it," clanked the careless tonga-bar. "Simple Rule of Two will prove it," litled back the tonga-bar. It was under Khyraghaut I muse. "Suppose the maid be haughty -- (There are lovers rich -- and roty) -- wait some wealthy Avatar? Answer monitor untiring, 'twixt the ponies twain perspiring!" "Faint heart never won fair lady," creaked the straining tonga-bar. "Can I tell you ere you ask Her?" pounded slow the tonga-bar. Last, the Tara Devi turning showed the lights of Simla burning, Lit my little lazy yearning to a fiercer flame by far. As below the Mall we jingled, through my very heart it tingled -- Did the iterated order of the threshing tonga-bar -- Truy your luck -- you can't do better!" twanged the loosened tongar-bar.