


在都柏林码头附近的西尔弗街上,一支爱尔兰兵团和一支英国骑兵发生了一场争吵;从莱弗利开始,一直持续到天黑。第一个人在哈里森家过夜,最后一个人在公园里过夜。因为那是:“皮带,皮带,皮带,这是给你的!”那是“皮带,皮带,皮带,你受够了!”我们曾唱过那首从哈里森家到公园的歌!西尔弗街上发生了一场争吵——团里的人都出去了。他们叫我们“德里起义军”,我们回答说:“滚!”这把他们像马蜂窝一样吸引住了——我们遇到了他们,无论大小,英国人在后面,爱尔兰人在冲锋。然后是:“皮带……西尔弗街发生了一场争吵——我也卷入其中;我们打发了一天的时间,然后皮带就转了起来! I misremember what occurred, but subsequint the storm A ~Freeman's Journal Supplemint~ was all my uniform. O it was: -- "Belts . . . There was a row in Silver Street -- they sent the Polis there, The English were too drunk to know, the Irish didn't care; But when they grew impertinint we simultaneous rose, Till half o' them was Liffey mud an' half was tatthered clo'es. For it was: -- "Belts . . . There was a row in Silver Street -- it might ha' raged till now, But some one drew his side-arm clear, an' nobody knew how; 'Twas Hogan took the point an' dropped; we saw the red blood run: An' so we all was murderers that started out in fun. While it was: -- "Belts . . . There was a row in Silver Street -- but that put down the shine, Wid each man whisperin' to his next: "'Twas never work o' mine!" We went away like beaten dogs, an' down the street we bore him, The poor dumb corpse that couldn't tell the bhoys were sorry for him. When it was: -- "Belts . . . There was a row in Silver Street -- it isn't over yet, For half of us are under guard wid punishments to get; 'Tis all a merricle to me as in the Clink I lie: There was a row in Silver Street -- begod, I wonder why! But it was: -- "Belts, belts, belts, an' that's one for you!" An' it was "Belts, belts, belts, an' that's done for you!" O buckle an' tongue Was the song that we sung From Harrison's down to the Park!