


(在英格兰南部,春天从4月14日开始,这一天在希思菲尔德集市上,老妇人把布谷鸟从篮子里放了出来——当地称为赫弗尔布谷鸟集市。)杜鹃,把你的歌带到这里来吧!请出示搜查令、法令和传票,让春天在这里通行!告诉老温德,如果他怀疑,就告诉他,直截了当!老女人!老女人!老太婆把布谷鸟放出来了在赫夫尔布谷鸟集市上——啊!3月找过了,4月也试过了——“现在玛丽不长了。”离圣灵降临节不远了,布谷鸟来了!听那勇敢的人喊道:果园光秃秃的! Old Woman! Old Woman! Old Woman's let the Cuckoo out At Heffle Cuckoo Fair -- a! When your heart is young and gay And the season rules it -- Work your works and play your play 'Fore the Autumn cools it! Kiss you turn and turn-about, But my lad, beware -- a! Old Woman! Old Woman! Old Woman's let the Cuckoo out At Heffle Cuckoo Fair -- a!