


她不知道自己已经死了,痛苦过后,她坐下来等待主人踩在金色地板上的脚步声,耳朵竖起,眼睛焦急地听天由命;却不知天堂不接纳她的同类。戴着光环、竖琴和翅膀的人聚集在一起,受到责备;或对她讲天上的事,但黛娜从未动过。在通往天堂之门的阶梯上,只有一个台阶;她解释说,在她听到这个消息之前,她的事情是等待。她用扁平的耳朵,裸露的嘴唇和乳白色的牙齿解释道——怒斥伊图列尔的长矛,这只证明了她的真理!突然——从幽灵的桥上走下来,焦虑的幽灵在那里徘徊——她在所有的人群中抓住了那脚步声,知道他来了。她离开了,他们不知道该怎么办,但她一点也不怀疑。她飞过晶莹剔透的海面,比她自己的尖叫声还快; Flushing the Cherubs every where, And skidding as she ran, She refuged under Peter's Chair And waited for her man. . . . . . . . There spoke a Spirit out of the press, 'Said:--"Have you any here That saved a fool from drunkenness, And a coward from his fear? "That turned a soul from dark to day When other help was vain; That snatched it from Wanhope and made A cur a man again?" "Enter and look," said Peter then, And set The Gate ajar. "If know aught of women and men I trow she is not far." "Neither by virtue, speech nor art Nor hope of grace to win; But godless innocence of heart That never heard of sin: "Neither by beauty nor belief Nor white example shown. Something a wanton--more a thief-- But--most of all--mine own." "Enter and look," said Peter then, "And send you well to speed; But, for all that I know of women and men Your riddle is hard to read." Then flew Dinah from under the Chair, Into his arms she flew-- And licked his face from chin to hair And Peter passed them through!