


优秀的草药有我们的祖先——优秀的草药可以减轻他们的痛苦——亚历山大和万寿菊,Eyebright, Orris,和Elecampane——罗勒,火箭,缬草,芸香,(他们几乎唱着自己跑)马鞭草,白丹,叫我给你——九轮草,梅柳兰,太阳玫瑰。凡是从霉里长出来的绿色植物,对我们的祖先来说都是极好的药草。我们的祖先有奇妙的故事,关于草药和星星的奇妙故事——太阳是万寿菊的主人,罗勒和火箭属于火星。(每一种药草都有一颗预定的行星)——除了维纳斯,谁还能统治玫瑰?除了朱庇特,谁拥有这棵橡树?在我们祖先的精彩著作中,事实被简单而严肃地讲述。奇妙的少,当一切都说,奇妙的少,我们的祖先知道。他们的药方有一半能治好你的病——他们的大部分教导都是完全不真实的——“病人生病时看看星星。”(污垢与疾病无关),尽情地流血和起泡吧,尽情地让他流血和流血吧。”因此,我们的先人犯了许多巨大的错误。 Yet when the sickness was sore in the land, And neither planets nor herbs assuaged, They took their lives in their lancet-hand And, oh, what a wonderful war they waged! Yes, when the crosses were chalked on the door- (Yes, when the terrible dead-cart rolled! ) Excellent courage our fathers bore-- None too learned, but nobly bold Into the fight went our fathers of old. If it be certain, as Galen says-- And sage Hippocrates holds as much-- "That those afflicted by doubts and dismays Are mightily helped by a dead man's touch," Then, be good to us, stars above! Then, be good to us, herbs below! We are afflicted by what we can prove, We are distracted by what we know. So-ah, so! Down from your heaven or up from your mould Send us the hearts of our Fathers of old!