


沃波尔谈到了"一个人和他的价格"这张单子上写着一首小调——卖了一个副、代理、副、驻地工程师,就像买了一头公牛,连蹄带皮,都是山边的小锡神买的。根据家族的法律,只有来自查塔姆的上校才能管理国家铁路,因为他的马车上有金子,他必须经过的科目;因为在所有与铁路无关的事情上,他的知识都很渊博。埃克塞特战列队从少年时代起就一直在东、西、南、北的前线作战;他修筑和勘测了许多线路——他所担任的重要职位;他一开口,铁马城的领主们就哑口无言。他的袍子黑得像乌鸦,他的异端邪说还在继续——暗示着铁路需要一生的学习和知识——他身边从来没有剑叮当作响——他不认识沃邦,也不操练——他的名字也不在“学院”毕业人员的名单上。因此,小锡神们都在催促着他们的小锡灵魂,因为他不是查塔姆人,所以没有在他的脚跟上踩上丁当作响的马刺,因为他们知道,尽管如此,他还是第一个被政府派去当“车轮上的小锡神的铁路教练”的。他们经常给他写信,“很荣幸地说,”把他放在架子上对所有人都好。 Much would accrue to his bank-book, an he consented to wait Until the Little Tin Gods built him a berth for himself, "Special, well paid, and exempt from the Law of the Fifty and Five, Even to Ninety and Nine" -- these were the terms of the pact: Thus did the Little Tin Gods (lon may Their Highnesses thrive!) Silence his mouth with rupees, keeping their Circle intact; Appointing a Colonel from Chatham who managed the Bhamo State Line (The wich was on mile and one furlong -- a guaranteed twenty-inch gauge), So Exeter Battleby Tring consented his claims to resign, And died, on four thousand a month, in the ninetieth year of his age!