


哥拉赛的王公,喝了"辛普金"和白兰地,让钱乱飞,惹恼了一个温柔善良的政府,而且——这是细节——瞎了眼。来自科拉扎伊的拉斯特姆·贝格(Rustum Beg)——稍微落后的原住民州——渴望一个csi——于是开始进行卫生工作。建了一座监狱和医院——差点建了一个城市排水沟——直到他忠实的臣民都认为他们的统治者疯了。于是,他离奇地离开了——是的,各部门更离奇了:六个英国人帮助王公立下遗嘱,谈论着高尚的目标和崇高的目标,暗示着将来要对科拉扎伊国实行严格的西方路线的罚款。Fajah Rustum保持沉默;降低了一半的费用;组织了国家警察;净化公务员;以一种非常自由的方式重新解决了税收问题;减少肉体的诱惑——也减少布赫西的报酬; Roused his Secretariat to a fine Mahratta fury, By an Order hinting at supervision of dasturi; Turned the State of Kolazai very nearly upside-down; When the end of May was night waited his achievement's crown. Then the Birthday Honours came. Sad to state and sad to see, Stood against the Rajah's name nothing more than C.I.E.!. . . Things were lively for a week in the State of Kolazai, Even now the people speak of that time regretfully. How he disendowed the Gaol -- stopped at once the City drain; Turned to beauty fair and frail -- got his senses back again; Doubled taxes, cesses, all; cleared away each new-built thana; Turned the two-lakh Hospital into a superb Zenana; Heaped upon the Bukshi Sahib wealth and honours manifold; Glad himself in Eastern garb -- squeezed his people as of old. Happy, happy Kolazai! Never more will Rustum Beg Play to catch his Viceroy's eye. He prefers the "simpkin" peg.