


以印度女皇之名,丛林之主啊,无论你漫游何处,请让路吧。黄昏时分,树林里一片躁动——我们流亡者在等待家乡的来信。让强盗撤退——让老虎转身——以皇后的名义,陆路邮件!随着钟声的叮当声,暮色渐深,他转向上山的小路——背上的袋子,下巴上裹着一块布,腰带上塞着邮局的帐单:“已于今日寄出,已由铁路收到,送信人,两袋陆上邮件。”洪水泛滥了吗?他要么涉水而过,要么游过去。雨把路给毁了吗?他必须爬上悬崖。暴风雨会喊“停”吗?暴风雨对他来说算什么? The Service admits not a "but" or and "if." While the breath's in his mouth, he must bear without fail, In the Name of the Empress, the Overland Mail. From aloe to rose-oak, from rose-oak to fir, From level to upland, from upland to crest, From rice-field to rock-ridge, from rock-ridge to spur, Fly the soft sandalled feet, strains the brawny brown chest. From rail to ravine -- to the peak from the vale -- Up, up through the night goes the Overland Mail. There's a speck on the hillside, a dot on the road -- A jingle of bells on the foot-path below -- There's a scuffle above in the monkey's abode -- The world is awake, and the clouds are aglow. For the great Sun himself must attend to the hail: "In the name of the Empress the Overland Mail!"