


在井边,牛群沉默地、盲目地、缓慢地走着——在麦田里,年轻的玉米在闷热的天空中死去,它们听到了,就像沉闷的大地听到了时风的声音,听到了伟大的女王的声音:“我的上帝赐给我岁月,赐给我统治和权力:我命令你,大地,快乐吧。”农夫把那一份埋得更深;他说、麦子是我的事、其馀的事、都是神的旨意。他送出玛哈拉塔的矛,就像他送出雨水一样,而米勒,在那命定的一年里,把矛折断成两半。并依次被打破。谁知道我们的主怎样争竞呢?麦苗长起来真好、因为生命就是饼。然后,随着暮色的临近,远处和近处,嘶嘶地向那些黑色的大蛇发出嘶嘶声,红蓝相间的火苗,它们时而升起,时而退去,又重新升起。他们说:“今天是日子中的一天,所有的人啊,快乐吧!”农夫听着,低着头说:“今天和明天都是上帝的旨意。”他一边把墙上的灯整理好,一边说。 "He sendeth us years that are good, As He sendeth the dearth, He giveth to each man his food, Or Her food to the Earth. Our Kings and our Queens are afar -- On their peoples be peace -- God bringeth the rain to the Bar, That our cattle increase." And the Ploughman settled the share More deep in the sun-dried clod: "Mogul Mahratta, and Mlech from the North, And White Queen over the Seas -- God raiseth them up and driveth them forth As the dust of the ploughshare flies in the breeze; But the wheat and the cattle are all my care, And the rest is the will of God."