


我的沉思莎拉!坐在我们的床边,我们的床边长满了白花茉莉和阔叶桃金娘,(它们是纯真和爱情的象征!)看那些晚霞,那晚霞里充满了光明,慢慢地绕着圈子转着忧伤,看那颗宁静灿烂的星(智慧应该如此)在对面闪耀!从你的豆田里捕捉到的香味多么美妙!世界如此安静!远处大海的低语声告诉我们那是一片寂静。还有那把最简单的鲁特琴,长条形地放在窗子上,听!那飘忽的微风是多么爱抚着她,像一个娇羞的少女对她的情人半信半疑,它倾注了如此甜蜜的责骂,使她不得不尝试着重蹈覆辙!现在,它的琴弦更大胆地吹奏着,悠长而连贯的音符,在美妙的波涛上起伏,像黄昏的精灵,乘着温柔的风,从仙境出发,发出轻柔而迷人的声音,在那里,旋律围绕着滴蜜的花朵,像天乐鸟一样,没有脚步,也没有栖息,在没有翅膀的翅膀上盘旋!O ! the one Life within us and abroad, Which meets all motion and becomes its soul, A light in sound, a sound-like power in light, Rhythm in all thought, and joyance every where-- Methinks, it should have been impossible Not to love all things in a world so fill'd ; Where the breeze warbles, and the mute still air Is Music slumbering on her instrument. And thus, my Love ! as on the midway slope Of yonder hill I stretch my limbs at noon, Whilst thro' my half-clos'd eye-lids I behold The sunbeams dance, like diamonds, on the main, And tranquil muse upon tranquility ; Full many a thought uncall'd and undetain'd, And many idle flitting phantasies, Traverse my indolent and passive brain, As wild and various, as the random gales That swell and flutter on this subject Lute ! And what if all of animated nature Be but organic Harps diversly fram'd, That tremble into thought, as o'er them sweeps Plastic and vast, one intellectual breeze, At once the Soul of each, and God of all ? But thy more serious eye a mild reproof Darts, O belovéd Woman ! nor such thoughts Dim and unhallow'd dost thou not reject, And biddest me walk humbly with my God. Meek Daughter in the Family of Christ ! Well hast thou said and holily disprais'd These shapings of the unregenerate mind ; Bubbles that glitter as they rise and break On vain Philosophy's aye-babbling spring. For never guiltless may I speak of him, The Incomprehensible ! save when with awe I praise him, and with Faith that inly feels ; Who with his saving mercies healéd me, A sinful and most miserable man, Wilder'd and dark, and gave me to possess Peace, and this Cot, and thee, heart-honour'd Maid !