


我们美丽的小床低垂着,我们最高的玫瑰从房间的窗口探出头来。在寂静的正午、黄昏和清晨,我们都能听到大海微弱的低吟。我们的桃金娘在露天开了花;门廊那边,密密麻麻的茉莉花缠绕在一起;四周的小风景绿油油的,郁郁葱葱,令人神清气爽。这是一个你可以恰当地称之为幽谷的地方!有一次,我看见一个富商的儿子(默默地把他的安息日当作圣日)悠闲地走过,他是布里斯托瓦的公民;我想,这平息了他对闲散的金子的渴望,使他有了更明智的想法;因为他停了下来,带着一种愉快的忧伤向四周看了看,然后看了看我们的茅屋,又向四周看了看,叹了口气,说,这是一个幸福的地方。我们被祝福了。我常常用耐心的耳朵,长时间地听着看不见的云雀的歌声(看不见的,或者在阳光下的翅膀上瞥见了片刻),轻声地对我的爱人说:“这样,可爱的姑娘!不突兀的幸福之歌,超凡脱俗的吟游诗人!只有当灵魂寻求倾听时,才会听到; when all is hush'd, And the Heart listens !' [Image][Image][Image]But the time, when first From that low Dell, steep up the stony Mount I climb'd with perilous toil and reach'd the top, Oh ! what a goodly scene ! Here the bleak mount, The bare bleak mountain speckled thin with sheep ; Grey clouds, that shadowing spot the sunny fields ; And river, now with bushy rocks o'er-brow'd, Now winding bright and full, with naked banks ; And seats, and lawns, the Abbey and the wood, And cots, and hamlets, and faint city-spire ; The Channel there, the Islands and white sails, Dim coasts, and cloud-like hills, and shoreless Ocean-- It seem'd like Omnipresence ! God, methought, Had build him there a Temple : the whole World Seem'd imag'd in its vast circumference : No wish profan'd my overwhelméd heart. Blest hour ! It was a luxury,--to be ! Ah ! quiet Dell ! dear Cot, and Mount sublime ! I was constrain'd to quit you. Was it right, While my unnumber'd brethren toil'd and bled, That I should dream away the entrusted hours On rose-leaf beds, pampering the coward heart With feelings all too delicate for use ? Sweet is the tear that from some Howard's eye Drops on the cheek of one he lifts from earth : And he that works me good with unmov'd face, Does it but half : he chills me while he aids, My benefactor, not my brother man ! Yet even this, this cold beneficience Praise, praise it, O my Soul ! oft as thou scann'st The sluggard Pity's vision-weaving tribe ! Who sigh for Wretchedness, yet shun the Wretched, Nursing in some delicious solitude Their slothful loves and dainty sympathies ! I therefore go, and join head, heart, and hand, Active and firm, to fight the bloodless fight Of Science, Freedom, and the Truth in Christ. Yet oft when after honourable toil Rests the tir'd mind, and waking loves to dream, My spirit shall revisit thee, dear Cot ! Thy Jasmin and thy window-peeping Rose, And Myrtles fearless of the mild sea-air. And I shall sigh fond wishes--sweet Abode ! Ah !--had none greater ! And that all had such ! It might be so--but the time is not yet. Speed it, O Father ! Let thy Kingdom come !