


“意见,别管我吧,我不是你的。普里姆·克里德,有明确的观点,恕我直言,陛下。你不能量大自然女主人的头发,连一寸甜蜜的头发都丈量不了;而且,如果你的眼力够敏锐,你会数一数天使竖琴上的琴弦吗?克制,克制。哦,让我爱我的主,爱得比诗更深沉;让我爱我的同伴,不要像那些受命令的人那样:是的,所有可爱的人,无论上下,让我用心去爱,用心去爱,因为(从法律的刑罚压力中解脱出来)我觉得这是公平的。“我日日夜夜哭泣的泪水,舆论!”为你唯一的盐的秋天。每一个清晨,我都带着清新的喜悦起床,时光透过我的窗扉,欢快地称“大自然是新的”,每天都是我的生日,来和我一起进餐吧,无论发生什么,都不要让任何人拒绝我。于是我出去吃饭了,我坐在某个聪明的兄弟旁边。可是,还没过完明天,一个粗鲁的意见就插嘴喊道:“你不许坐在我们旁边开斋,除非你对我们的礼仪发誓——‘宗教有蓝眼睛和黄头发’,她是撒克逊人。”于是,我苦苦地渴望着哥哥的恩宠,直到快要发誓他的愚蠢是真的,我悲伤地不同意,把渴望的脸转向坐在左边的人:“哥哥,——和你在一起吗?”——“不,别跟我说,除非你同意并发誓说‘宗教有黑眼睛和乌黑的头发’,否则什么都不是真的。”在生命的每一天,我的心都不能和每个男人一起设宴,我要回家了,我的痛苦之火要在我崇拜的妻子的深情中熄灭。 `I love thee well, dear Love,' quoth she, `and yet Would that thy creed with mine completely met, As one, not two.' 'Assassin! Thief! Opinion, 'tis thy work. By Church, by throne, by hearth, by every good That's in the Town of Time, I see thee lurk, And e'er some shadow stays where thou hast stood. Thou hand'st sweet Socrates his hemlock sour; Thou sav'st Barabbas in that hideous hour, And stabb'st the good 'Deliverer Christ; thou rack'st the souls of men; Thou tossest girls to lions and boys to flames; Thou hew'st Crusader down by Saracen; Thou buildest closets full of secret shames; Indifferent cruel, thou dost blow the blaze Round Ridley or Servetus; all thy days Smell scorched; I would '-- Thou base-born Accident of time and place -- Bigot Pretender unto Judgment's throne -- Bastard, that claimest with a cunning face Those rights the true, true Son of Man doth own By Love's authority -- thou Rebel cold At head of civil wars and quarrels old -- Thou Knife on a throne -- 'I would thou left'st me free, to live with love, And faith, that through the love of love doth find My Lord's dear presence in the stars above, The clods below, the flesh without, the mind Within, the bread, the tear, the smile. Opinion, damned Intriguer, gray with guile, Let me alone.'