


远眺,深裹着,沿着天堂的高度,俯视着人类所看不到的一切;漫步在欢乐的寂寞小巷,聆听树木的心跳声,在绿林的水塘旁,在怡人的通道旁,想着白百合诉说的心事;带着身心健康的梦,在深沉的沉思中踱步,走出森林,来到那盛开着百里香的开阔的小丘上,在那里,幸福的草地在树林的边缘向南绵延;为黎明疯狂,燃烧着银色露珠的火焰,当每一个小地球仪都能照到晨星,在太阳升起之前很久,被远处读到的斑纹的启示深深迷住,充满了神圣的蓝色狂喜,就像东方的神圣天空一样——在你所去的那片更广阔的土地上,你每天的辛劳使你的精神如此热情;努力,但不辛苦的话,3月的艺术家的手,不是德拉吉unriched,谷物腐烂回到土壤,死亡——没有利润,,,但仍在站,——给生活在这里的手今天,布什在明天,也许,,今年的收成都躺在谷仓,明年播种的作物,——一个沉闷的进步曲线,而是通过另一种方式开始,——一个浪费的节俭的蚂蚁冬天浪费他们的夏天;啊,我的朋友,自由地漫游,自由地沉思,自由地劳作,这是你的;你的,现在,和荷马一起看着没有被海伦的美丽玷污的风帆在大海上弯曲,拖到一些干净的特洛伊,赫克托耳不需要保卫,火焰也不吞噬;或者,在温和的月光下,温柔的风吹着口哨,和雪莱一起航行在更蓝的海面上,让普罗米修斯从他的枷锁中解脱出来,和丢卡利翁一起越过意大利,同时从他渴望的芦苇野中迸发出火焰,向命运的西边延伸;或者,与柏拉图、莎士比亚和一群吟游诗人一起,俯卧在某棵梧桐树的凉影下,凝视着闪闪发光的草地,在那里,赛姬的大蝴蝶久久徘徊,啜饮着她的蜜;或者,自由地混迹于德国歌咏的唱诗班,从歌德的口里学习歌德的一生;这些,这些都是你的,我们仍然是谁死了,做的渴望——不,不杀你回来到这个阴森的生活,这种谦卑,而不是黑暗的意义上,闪烁的大脑,拥抱错觉阴郁的,外壳的饥饿美联储猜,君主制的痛苦,爱的十字架,信仰的扳手,科学无法证明证据的耻辱,扭曲的责任归咎于赞美和痛苦的赞美,愚蠢的股份,使时尚的手腕固定, the virtue that doth claim The gains of vice, the lofty mark that's missed By all the mortal space 'twixt heaven and hell, The soul's sad growth o'er stationary friends Who hear us from our height not well, not well, The slant of accident, the sudden bends Of purpose tempered strong, the gambler's spell, The son's disgrace, the plan that e'er depends On others' plots, the tricks that passion plays (I loving you, you him, he none at all), The artist's pain -- to walk his blood-stained ways, A special soul, yet judged as general -- The endless grief of art, the sneer that slays, The war, the wound, the groan, the funeral pall -- Not into these, bright spirit, do we yearn To bring thee back, but oh, to be, to be Unbound of all these gyves, to stretch, to spurn The dark from off our dolorous lids, to see Our spark, Conjecture, blaze and sunwise burn, And suddenly to stand again by thee! Ah, not for us, not yet, by thee to stand: For us, the fret, the dark, the thorn, the chill; For us, to call across unto thy Land, "Friend, get thee to the minstrels' holy hill, And kiss those brethren for us, mouth and hand, And make our duty to our master Will."