


一、对幻想和乌托邦不耐烦的人的声音我们发现你们柔软的乌托邦像新切的面包一样洁白,又像牢房里的生活一样沉闷,啊,书吏们,你们竟胆敢忘记我们是多么狂野,人类的乳房多么喜欢警铃。你让我们住在牧师和圣人的蜂巢里公共,节俭,干净,遵守法律。我宁愿在血腥的埃尔西诺冥思苦想,也不愿做李尔王的傻瓜,戴着草冠在草堆里。答应我们在阿金库尔的全部份额,让我们的职员冒着被人讥笑和死亡的危险,让亨利五世、霍茨波和麦克白在未来的蚂蚁丘里待得不太好。承诺,通过明天的精神战争,人类不死的灵魂将开辟自己的道路,每个炫耀的凯撒都在攀登自己的命运,蔑视昨天的极限。再也不做肤浅的小丑了!别让杰克·福斯塔夫白洒啤酒。愿试炼石为智慧人立榜样、愿亚利伊勒在雨中造他的意念。2押韵者的回答。 INCENSE AND SPLENDOR Incense and Splendor haunt me as I go. Though my good works have been, alas, too few, Though I do naught, High Heaven comes down to me, And future ages pass in tall review. I see the years to come as armies vast, Stalking tremendous through the fields of time. MAN is unborn. To-morrow he is born, Flame-like to hover o'er the moil and grime, Striving, aspiring till the shame is gone, Sowing a million flowers, where now we mourn? Laying new, precious pavements with a song, Founding new shrines, the good streets to adorn. I have seen lovers by those new-built walls Clothed like the dawn in orange, gold and red. Eyes flashing forth the glory-light of love Under the wreaths that crowned each royal head. Life was made greater by their sweetheart prayers. Passion was turned to civic strength that day? Piling the marbles, making fairer domes With zeal that else had burned bright youth away. I have seen priestesses of life go by Gliding in samite through the incense-sea? Innocent children marching with them there, Singing in flowered robes, "THE EARTH IS FREE": While on the fair, deep-carved unfinished towers Sentinels watched in armor, night and day? Guarding the brazier-fires of hope and dream? Wild was their peace, and dawn-bright their array!