


我们的城镇不要太大,记住小小的雅典是缪斯的故乡,记住牛津仍然统治着伦敦的中心,记住佛罗伦萨把文艺复兴带给了罗马。给你儿子的孙子录下来?一座城市不是一天建成的;我们的小镇要到无数代人过去之后才能完成她的灵魂。现在,让每个孩子都像教堂一样与她永恒的希望结合在一起,让每个人都被任命;让每条街道都成为虔诚的通道,在那里音乐生长,美得以释放。让科学、机器和贸易成为她的奴隶,使她成为一切的全部,筑起一道看不见的、灵巧的中世纪的墙,来对抗我们明目张胆、躁动不安的时代。让每个公民在神面前富足。让基督这个乞丐来教导神。不要让吝惜钱财的人统治。让这个,我们的城市,成为我们的奢侈品。我们应该建造公园,让远方的学生宁愿在里面挨饿,也不愿回家;我们应该建造漂亮的小广场,点缀着菲甸式的装饰;我们应该建造供精神之用的食物,牛奶和蜂巢。 Songs shall be sung by us in that good day, Songs we have written, blood within the rhyme Beating, as when Old England still was glad, ? The purple, rich Elizabethan time. Say, is my prophecy too fair and far? I only know, unless her faith be high, The soul of this, our Nineveh, is doomed, Our little Babylon will surely die. Some city on the breast of Illinois No wiser and no better at the start By faith shall rise redeemed, by faith shall rise Bearing the western glory in her heart. The genius of the Maple, Elm and Oak, The secret hidden in each grain of corn, The glory that the prairie angels sing At night when sons of Life and Love are born, Born but to struggle, squalid and alone, Broken and wandering in their early years. When will they make our dusty streets their goal, Within our attics hide their sacred tears? When will they start our vulgar blood athrill With living language, words that set us free? When will they make a path of beauty clear Between our riches and our liberty? We must have many Lincoln-hearted men. A city is not builded in a day. And they must do their work, and come and go While countless generations pass away.