


当你离开你父亲的家,满脸通红的时候,你种下了什么野燕麦?眼睛如此紧张,渴望看到你可能看到的东西?你是小偷还是傻瓜?还是最高贵的自由?流浪的日子是骑士式的吗,是真正播下野性的种子吗?你敢唱被征服的工人所需要的歌吗?你为麻风病人的宴会浪费了很多钱吗?热爱真理,蔑视群众,丑化牧师?你种了什么野燕麦?愚人发现荒无人烟的路尘土飞扬,阴暗而缓慢。在他们播种完毕之前,他们让他们回到他们的轨道上,看看那些畏缩的懦夫,他们后悔了,急忙回来! Grown ashamed of nowhere, Of rags endured for years, Lust for velvet in their hearts, Pierced with Mammon's spears, All but a few fanatics Give up their darling goal, Seek to be as others are, Stultify the soul. Reapings now confront them, Glut them, or destroy, Curious seeds, grain or weeds Sown with awful joy. Hurried is their harvest, They make soft peace with men. Pilgrims pass. They care not, Will not tramp again. O nowhere, golden nowhere! Sages and fools go on To your chaotic ocean, To your tremendous dawn. Far in your fair dream-haven, Is nothing or is all... They press on, singing, sowing Wild deeds without recall!