


为洛拉多·塔夫脱在伊利诺斯州俄勒冈州的黑鹰雕像而写,以印第安人的演说和印第安人的战争呐喊的方式发表。岩鹰:你是我们今天的目标。看着你的敌人在我们的战阵中,我们站着的年轻人,西部之狼在海湾。力量,战争的力量来自这些神圣的树木;来自树枝的力量,露珠闪耀的树枝,来自球果的力量,是的,来自松树的气息!恢复白人之手所破坏的一切的力量。看到东边的死人被铁车碾碎了吗?黑烟囱遮住了太阳和星星!松林之鹰,平风舰队之鹰,你将成为铁街之王,工厂和锻炉被你踩在脚下。在那里,骄傲的树木会长得像在溪边一样。 There will proud thoughts Walk as in warrior dreams. There will proud deeds Bloom as when battle gleams! Warriors of Art, We will hold council there, Hewing in stone Things to the trapper fair, Painting the gray Veils that the spring moons wear, This our revenge, This one tremendous change: Making new towns, Lit with a star-fire strange, Wild as the dawn Gilding the bison-range. All the young men Chanting your cause that day, Red-men, new-made Out of the Saxon clay, Strong and redeemed, Bold in your war-array!