


“是的,”那个满脸憔悴的妹妹说,“那个拿着有趣的小小册子的忙碌的妹妹:?”“这是高潮,盛大的第五幕。骄傲的人骑着马,跑到终点。灵车走了,送葬者在哭泣,可敬的灵车缓缓驶过。死者的妻子钱包里有钱,孩子们都很健康,所以情况可能会更糟。那个躺在棺材里的家伙一生都很糟糕。他是红色酒保的凶狠捍卫者,对着教堂咆哮,对着牧师嚎叫。他种下每一种邪恶,就是为了让它生长。他把一半的收入浪费在淫荡和下流的人身上。他愿意用巧克力交换红色的酒保,他愿意向红色的酒保致敬,在最终向红色的酒保投降时,他死于震颤,像个疯子一样疯狂,他的朋友们很高兴,当结局很快到来的时候。 There goes the hearse, the mourners cry, The respectable hearse goes slowly by. And now, good friends, since you see how it ends, Let each nation-mender flay the red bar-tender, ? Abhor The transgression Of the red bar-tender, ? Ruin The profession Of the red bar-tender: Force him into business where his work does good. Let him learn how to plough, let him learn to chop wood, Let him learn how to plough, let him learn to chop wood. "The moral, The conclusion, The verdict now you know:? 'The saloon must go, The saloon must go, The saloon, The saloon, The saloon, Must go.'" "You are right, little sister," I said to myself, "You are right, good sister," I said. "Though you wear a mussy bonnet On your little gray head, You are right, little sister," I said.