


伊利诺斯州的参议员必须是这个矮胖的,半闭着眼睛眨着眼睛吗?这个无耻的下流偶像,被扶植在谎言的金字塔之上?伊利诺斯州的参议员一定要成为世界上成功的耻辱的谚语,使所有偷来偷去的州议会苍蝇眼花,当悲哀的州饶恕了他们,他们以为这是名誉?如果有一两次在他的新大厅里,他的一票对那些破碎的人起了作用;如果他早年做过好事呢?那我们就原谅他的罪过吧。但是伊利诺斯州的参议员一定要被肥胖的国王证明是正确的吗?难道他一定要被那些污迹斑斑、衣冠楚楚、面目狰狞的老酋长们赞美吗?放荡的人哪,你们当受警告,谁庇护他呢?黑色的愤怒等着你。 You all shall eat the dust. You dare not say: "To-morrow will bring peace; Let us make merry, and go forth in lust." What will you trading frogs do on a day When Armageddon thunders thro' the land; When each sad patriot rises, mad with shame, His ballot or his musket in his hand? In the distracted states from which you came The day is big with war hopes fierce and strange; Our iron Chicagos and our grimy mines Rumble with hate and love and solemn change. Too many weary men shed honest tears, Ground by machines that give the Senate ease. Too many little babes with bleeding hands Have heaped the fruits of empire on your knees. And swine within the Senate in this day, When all the smothering by-streets weep and wail; When wisdom breaks the hearts of her best sons; When kingly men, voting for truth, may fail: ? These are a portent and a call to arms. Our protest turns into a battle cry: "Our shame must end, our States be free and clean; And in this war we choose to live and die."