


这首诗的目的是描述一种布拉什菲尔德的天空壁画。用《扬基歌》的调子来唱,不过节奏要慢一些,更圆润一些。这大概是华盛顿生日那天晚上的娱乐活动。今晨的黎明烧得通红,惊奇地看着他们。在那里,我看到我们的旗帜驱散了乌云。接着是华盛顿。啊,他从荣耀中骑了出来,像他的名字一样冷酷和强大,像自由的故事一样严厉。不被燃烧的黎明所征服,带领着他的大陆。他们很大,穿着灰色的旧军服,看起来很奇怪。脚还在流血,脚还在流血,还在开玩笑? Marching from the judgment throne With energy unresting. How their merry quickstep played? Silver, sharp, sonorous, Piercing through with prophecy The demons' rumbling chorus? Behold the ancient powers of sin And slavery before them!? Sworn to stop the glorious dawn, The pit-black clouds hung o'er them. Plagues that rose to blast the day Fiend and tiger faces, Monsters plotting bloodshed for The patient toiling races. Round the dawn their cannon raged, Hurling bolts of thunder, Yet before our spangled flag Their host was cut asunder. Like a mist they fled away. . . . Ended wrath and roaring. Still our restless soldier-host From East to West went pouring. High beside the sun of noon They bore our banner splendid. All its days of stain and shame And heaviness were ended. Men were swelling now the throng From great and lowly station? Valiant citizens to-day Of every tribe and nation. Not till night their rear-guard came, Down the west went marching, And left behind the sunset-rays In beauty overarching. War-god banners lead us still, Rob, enslave and harry Let us rather choose to-day The flag the angels carry? Flag we love, but brighter far? Soul of it made splendid: Let its days of stain and shame And heaviness be ended. Let its fifes fill all the sky, Redeemed souls marching after, Hills and mountains shake with song, While seas roll on in laughter.