


躲避着这段经文和任何诗句,闻所未闻,锋利的耳朵,或狡猾的头脑的校服的时候会在最清晰的眼睛,传说还是名声,也不是幸福和财富,而每一个心脏的脉搏和生活不停地在世界各地,你和我和所有追求过小姐,开放但还是一个秘密,真正的真实的幻觉,不花钱的,却对每一个,但是从来没有人老板,诗人徒劳地试图把在押韵,历史学家在散文中,雕塑家从未凿会,画家也不曾画过,歌唱家从未唱过,演说家和演员也从未说过。冷漠地,在公共场所,在私人场所,在孤独中,在山和树林的后面,城市最繁忙的街道的伙伴,通过集合,它和它的辐射不断滑行。在昏迷不醒的美人的容颜里,或在死人的棺木里,或在黎明破晓的景象里,或在黑夜里的星星里,仿佛一层精致的梦影,隐藏着,却迟迟不去。两句话组成了它。两个字,却从头到尾都包含在里面。多么渴望啊!多少船为它起航沉没了!有多少旅人从他们的家出发,再也没有回来!多少天才大胆地为此冒险而失去了! What countless stores of beauty, love, ventur'd for it! How all superbest deeds since Time began are traceable to it--and shall be to the end! How all heroic martyrdoms to it! How, justified by it, the horrors, evils, battles of the earth! 30 How the bright fascinating lambent flames of it, in every age and land, have drawn men's eyes, Rich as a sunset on the Norway coast, the sky, the islands, and the cliffs, Or midnight's silent glowing northern lights unreachable. Haply God's riddle it, so vague and yet so certain, The soul for it, and all the visible universe for it, And heaven at last for it.