


当我在生命的海洋中退潮,当我踏上海岸,我知道,当我走在那里,涟漪不停地冲刷着你,波马诺克,在那里,它们嘶哑地沙沙作响,在那里,凶悍的老母亲无休止地为她的罹难者哭泣,在深秋的日子里,我沉思着,凝视着南方,被这个带电的自我所控制,出于我吟诗的骄傲,被在脚下的诗句中徘徊的精神所抓住,这些沉积物代表着地球上所有的水和土地。着迷,我的眼睛恢复从南方,放下,跟随那些苗条的料堆,糠、稻草、木头碎片,杂草,sea-gluten,人渣,鳞片闪闪发光的石头,树叶salt-lettuce,留下的潮流,英里步行,碎波的声音我的另一边,美国供应连锁集团Paumanok然后我认为旧思想的相似性,这些你给我你都有岛,我溶解海岸,我知道,我走,电动自我寻求类型。当我向海岸走去,我不知道,当我听着挽歌,听到男人和女人的声音,当我吸着袭来的难以捉摸的微风,当海洋如此神秘地向我滚滚而来,越来越近,我也至多意味着有一点被冲上来的漂浮物,一些沙子和枯叶,收集,把我自己融入沙滩和漂浮物的一部分。O困惑,犹豫,弯曲的地球,压迫会与自己敢于开口,知道现在在反冲,多嘴的回声在我身上我没有曾经至少我知道谁或者什么,但这之前我所有的傲慢的诗歌真实的我还站不可触摸,数不清的,完全unreach,撤回,嘲笑我mock-congratulatory迹象和弓,用一连串的遥远的讽刺的笑声在我所写的每一句话,在沉默中指向这些歌曲,然后是下面的沙子。我意识到我没有真正理解任何事情,没有一个对象,也没有人能理解,大自然在大海面前利用我,向我冲来,蜇我,因为我竟敢张开嘴唱歌。你们这两个海洋,我靠近你们,我们像潺潺的细沙和流水一样,不知道为什么埋怨地嘀咕着,这些小小的碎片确实代表着你和我,以及所有的人。你这残垣断壁的脆弱海岸,你这鱼形的小岛,我把脚下的东西拿走,你的就是我的,我的父亲。我也是波马诺克人,我也冒起了泡泡,在无边的浮子上漂来漂去,被冲到你的海岸上,我也不过是一串漂浮物和碎片,我也在你身上留下小小的残骸,你这个鱼形的岛屿。 I throw myself upon your breast my father, I cling to you so that you cannot unloose me, I hold you so firm till you answer me something. Kiss me my father, Touch me with your lips as I touch those I love, Breathe to me while I hold you close the secret of the murmuring I envy. 4 Ebb, ocean of life, (the flow will return,) Cease not your moaning you fierce old mother, Endlessly cry for your castaways, but fear not, deny not me, Rustle not up so hoarse and angry against my feet as I touch you or gather from you. I mean tenderly by you and all, I gather for myself and for this phantom looking down where we lead, and following me and mine. Me and mine, loose windrows, little corpses, Froth, snowy white, and bubbles, (See, from my dead lips the ooze exuding at last, See, the prismatic colors glistening and rolling,) Tufts of straw, sands, fragments, Buoy'd hither from many moods, one contradicting another, From the storm, the long calm, the darkness, the swell, Musing, pondering, a breath, a briny tear, a dab of liquid or soil, Up just as much out of fathomless workings fermented and thrown, A limp blossom or two, torn, just as much over waves floating, drifted at random, Just as much for us that sobbing dirge of Nature, Just as much whence we come that blare of the cloud-trumpets, We, capricious, brought hither we know not whence, spread out