


船之城!哦,那些黑船!啊,凶猛的船只!啊,那些漂亮的、船首锋利的汽船和帆船!)世界之都!(因为所有种族都在这里;地球上所有的土地都在这里做出贡献。海之城!潮水匆匆而闪烁的城市!城市里欢快的潮汐不断地涨落,旋转着进进出出,带着漩涡和泡沫! City of wharves and stores! city of tall façades of marble and iron! Proud and passionate city! mettlesome, mad, extravagant city! Spring up, O city! not for peace alone, but be indeed yourself, warlike! 10 Fear not! submit to no models but your own, O city! Behold me! incarnate me, as I have incarnated you! I have rejected nothing you offer'd me--whom you adopted, I have adopted; Good or bad, I never question you--I love all--I do not condemn anything; I chant and celebrate all that is yours--yet peace no more; In peace I chanted peace, but now the drum of war is mine; War, red war, is my song through your streets, O city!