


突然,它从它那陈腐昏沉的奴隶窝里,像闪电一样,半被自己吓了一跳,它的脚踩在灰烬和破布上——它的手掐着国王的喉咙。啊,希望和信念!啊,被流放的爱国者们的生命的痛苦结局!啊,多么病态的心啊!你们当追想今日,重新振作。而你,受雇来玷污人民!你这骗子,马克!不是因为无数的痛苦、谋杀、淫欲,不是因为宫廷里各种卑鄙的偷窃行为,从他的纯朴中骗取了穷人的俸禄,不是因为许多国王的口口声声发誓,却又毁弃了,毁弃时又被人嘲笑,于是在他们的力量之下,不是因为这一切,这些打击才报复,才使贵族们的头颅落了下来;人民鄙视国王的残暴。但仁慈的甜蜜却酝酿着痛苦的毁灭,受惊的君主们又回来了; Each comes in state, with his train--hangman, priest, tax-gatherer, Soldier, lawyer, lord, jailer, and sycophant. Yet behind all, lowering, stealing--lo, a Shape, Vague as the night, draped interminably, head, front and form, in scarlet folds, Whose face and eyes none may see, Out of its robes only this--the red robes, lifted by the arm, 20 One finger, crook'd, pointed high over the top, like the head of a snake appears. Meanwhile, corpses lie in new-made graves--bloody corpses of young men; The rope of the gibbet hangs heavily, the bullets of princes are flying, the creatures of power laugh aloud, And all these things bear fruits--and they are good. Those corpses of young men, Those martyrs that hang from the gibbets--those hearts pierc'd by the gray lead, Cold and motionless as they seem, live elsewhere with unslaughter'd vitality. They live in other young men, O kings! They live in brothers, again ready to defy you! They were purified by death--they were taught and exalted. 30 Not a grave of the murder'd for freedom, but grows seed for freedom, in its turn to bear seed, Which the winds carry afar and re-sow, and the rains and the snows nourish. Not a disembodied spirit can the weapons of tyrants let loose, But it stalks invisibly over the earth, whispering, counseling, cautioning. Liberty! let others despair of you! I never despair of you. Is the house shut? Is the master away? Nevertheless, be ready--be not weary of watching; He will soon return--his messengers come anon.