


草原上的夜晚;晚餐结束了——地上的火烧得很低;疲倦的移民们裹着毯子睡着了。我一个人走着——我站着看星星,我想我以前从来没有意识到这一点。现在我吸收永生与和平,我崇拜死亡,并检验命题。多么丰富的!多精神啊!怎么恢复!同样的老人和灵魂——同样的愿望,同样的满足。我认为这一天是最灿烂的,直到我看到了非白天所展示的东西,我认为这个地球仪已经足够了,直到在我周围无声无息地涌现出无数其他地球仪。现在,当空间和永恒的伟大思想充满我时,我要用它们来衡量自己; And now, touch'd with the lives of other globes, arrived as far along as those of the earth, Or waiting to arrive, or pass'd on farther than those of the earth, I henceforth no more ignore them, than I ignore my own life, Or the lives of the earth arrived as far as mine, or waiting to arrive. O I see now that life cannot exhibit all to me--as the day cannot, I see that I am to wait for what will be exhibited by death.