


一个老人对学校的看法;一个老人,收集着青春的记忆,绽放着青春本身无法企及的花朵。现在我只认识你!哦,美丽的极光天空!噢,草地上的晨露!我看到了这些人——闪闪发光的眼睛,蕴藏着神秘意义的宝藏——这些年轻的生命,正在建造、装备,像一支船队——不朽的船队!不久就要在无边的大海上扬帆,踏上灵魂的航程。只有很多男孩和女孩吗?只上那些无聊的拼写、写作和密码课?只有一所公立学校? Ah more--infinitely more; (As George Fox rais'd his warning cry, "Is it this pile of brick and mortar--these dead floors, windows, rails--you call the church? Why this is not the church at all--the Church is living, ever living Souls.") And you, America, Cast you the real reckoning for your present? The lights and shadows of your future--good or evil? To girlhood, boyhood look--the Teacher and the School.