


时间的指示和计算;完全的理智显示了哲学家中的主人;时间总是无懈可击的,只是部分地显示自己;诗人的标志,总是一群令人愉快的歌手和他们的歌词;歌者的文字是白昼与黑夜的分分合合——而诗歌创作者的文字则是白昼与黑夜的一般;诗歌的创造者决定了正义,现实,不朽,他的洞察力和力量包围着事物和人类,他是迄今为止事物和人类的荣耀和精华。歌手不生孩子——只有诗人生孩子;歌者们受到欢迎,被理解,经常出现——但同样罕见的是,这一天也是诗歌的创造者——回答者诞生的地方(不是每一个世纪,或每五个世纪,都有这样的一天,尽管有它的名字)。几个世纪以来连续几个小时的歌手也许有表面上的名字,但他们每个人的名字都是一个歌手,每个人的名字是:眼睛歌手、耳朵歌手、头部歌手、甜蜜歌手、回声歌手、客厅歌手、爱情歌手,或者别的什么。在这一刻,在任何时候,都要等待真正诗歌的词句; The words of true poems do not merely please, The true poets are not followers of beauty, but the august masters of beauty; The greatness of sons is the exuding of the greatness of mothers and fathers, The words of poems are the tuft and final applause of science. Divine instinct, breadth of vision, the law of reason, health, rudeness of body, withdrawnness, Gayety, sun-tan, air-sweetness--such are some of the words of poems. 20 The sailor and traveler underlie the maker of poems, the answerer; The builder, geometer, chemist, anatomist, phrenologist, artist--all these underlie the maker of poems, the answerer. The words of the true poems give you more than poems, They give you to form for yourself, poems, religions, politics, war, peace, behavior, histories, essays, romances, and everything else, They balance ranks, colors, races, creeds, and the sexes, They do not seek beauty--they are sought, Forever touching them, or close upon them, follows beauty, longing, fain, love-sick. They prepare for death--yet are they not the finish, but rather the outset, They bring none to his or her terminus, or to be content and full; Whom they take, they take into space, to behold the birth of stars, to learn one of the meanings, 30 To launch off with absolute faith--to sweep through the ceaseless rings, and never be quiet again.