


每天都有一个孩子出门;他看到的第一个目标,他就变成了那个目标;那件东西成为他一天的一部分,或一天的某一部分,或多年,或漫长的几年。早期紫丁香成为这个孩子的一部分,和草,和白色和红色的牵牛花,白色和红三叶草,phoebe-bird的歌声,和三个月的羊羔,和播种的pink-faint垃圾,和母马的马驹,牛的小腿,barn-yard的嘈杂的沉思,或沼泽的池塘边,和下面的鱼暂停自己所以好奇地,美丽的奇怪的液体,和柳树河优雅的扁头,都成为了他的一部分。四月和五月的豆芽成了他的一部分;冬粮的芽,淡黄色的玉米的芽,花园里汁液丰富的树根,开满了花的苹果树,还有后来结出的果实,还有木莓,还有路边最普通的野草;还有那个老酒鬼,他刚从酒馆的外屋出来,踉踉跄跄地回家;还有在去学校的路上路过的女教师;还有路过的友好的男孩们——还有那些爱吵架的男孩们,还有那些干净整洁的女孩们——还有光着脚的黑人男孩和女孩们;还有无论他走到哪里,城市和乡村的一切变化。他的父母,他的生父,他的母亲,他的母亲,他们给了这个孩子更多的东西。后来天天给他吃,成了他的一部分。母亲在家,静静地把盘子放在餐桌上; The mother with mild words--clean her cap and gown, a wholesome odor falling off her person and clothes as she walks by; The father, strong, self-sufficient, manly, mean, anger'd, unjust; The blow, the quick loud word, the tight bargain, the crafty lure, The family usages, the language, the company, the furniture--the yearning and swelling heart, Affection that will not be gainsay'd--the sense of what is real--the thought if, after all, it should prove unreal, The doubts of day-time and the doubts of night-time--the curious whether and how, Whether that which appears so is so, or is it all flashes and specks? Men and women crowding fast in the streets--if they are not flashes and specks, what are they? 30 The streets themselves, and the façades of houses, and goods in the windows, Vehicles, teams, the heavy-plank'd wharves--the huge crossing at the ferries, The village on the highland, seen from afar at sunset--the river between, Shadows, aureola and mist, the light falling on roofs and gables of white or brown, three miles off, The schooner near by, sleepily dropping down the tide--the little boat slack-tow'd astern, The hurrying tumbling waves, quick-broken crests, slapping, The strata of color'd clouds, the long bar of maroon-tint, away solitary by itself--the spread of purity it lies motionless in, The horizon's edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and shore mud; These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every day.