


敞开的大门旁的黑漆人像木头人一样沉默地站着。在舞厅的地板上像游泳池一样闪闪发光?一种抛光的孤独。一百根蜡烛从银烛台上闪耀;轻轻松松的大提琴,小提琴,曼陀林,到音乐灵巧的求爱?穿着细麻布、缎子、丝绸的舞者,头发和脸颊如牛奶般闪闪发亮,绕着花环,行屈膝礼,交缠。玫瑰的睡意使空气平静,飘上大理石楼梯。就像潺潺的流水潺潺作响。客人们从一个房间走到另一个房间,在辉煌的光辉中微笑;胭脂红与天青,白与绿,它们弯着腰,憔悴着,踱步着,梳理着裸露的肩膀,涂着彩绘的扇子,戴着宝石的手腕和手指,天鹅的脖子; And still the pluckt strings warble on; Still from the snow-bowered, link-lit street The muffled hooves of horses beat; And harness rings; and foam-fleckt bit Clanks as the slim heads toss and stare From deep, dark eyes. Smiling, at ease, Mount to the porch the pomped grandees In lonely state, by twos, and threes, Exchanging languid courtesies, While torches fume and flare. And now the banquet calls. A blare Of squalling trumpets clots the air. And, flocking out, streams up the rout; And lilies nod to velvet's swish; And peacocks prim on gilded dish, Vast pies thick-glazed, and gaping fish, Towering confections crisp as ice, Jellies aglare like cockatrice, With thousand savours tongues entice. Fruits of all hues barbaric gloom ? Pomegranate, quince and peach and plum, Mandarine, grape, and cherry clear Englobe each glassy chandelier, Where nectarous flowers their sweets distil ? Jessamine, tuberose, chamomill, Wild-eye narcissus, anemone, Tendril of ivy and vinery. Now odorous wines the goblets fill; Gold-cradled meats the menials bear From gilded chair to gilded chair: Now roars the talk like crashing seas, Foams upward to the painted frieze, Echoes and ebbs. Still surges in, To yelp of hautboy and violin, Plumed and bedazzling, rosed and rare, Dance-bemused, with cheek aglow, Stooping the green-twined portal through, Sighing with laughter, debonair, That concourse of the proud and fair ? And lo! 'La, la! Mamma ... Mamma!' Falls a small cry in the dark and calls ? 'I see you standing there!' Fie, fie, Sephina! not in bed! Crouched on the staircase overhead, Like ghost she gloats, her lean hand laid On alabaster balustrade, And gazes on and on Down on that wondrous to and fro Till finger and foot are cold as snow, And half the night is gone; And dazzled eyes are sore bestead; Nods drowsily the sleek-locked head; And, vague and far, spins, fading out, That rainbow-coloured, reeling rout, And, with faint sighs, her spirit flies Into deep sleep.... Come, Stranger, peep! Was ever cheek so wan?