


有一本书,我们可以称之为藏书(它的优点是这样的),虽然不大;女士们都很喜欢。没有言语,却有无数的东西;与言语相比,谁有头脑,谁最值得尊敬?常有鲜红的叶子,金色的镶边;和开放吗?d,显示最多12页。没有名字,没有头衔,没有邮票?d后面,装饰其外部;但在这华丽的线条里,是一本艺术杂志。最白皙的手,秘密地珍藏着;美丽的人,把它藏在他们的胸膛里,像守财奴一样?年代护理。 Thence implements of every size, And form?d for various use (They need but to consult their eyes), They readily produce. The largest and the longest kind Possess the foremost page; A sort most needed by the blind, Or nearly such, from age. The full charged leaf which next ensues, Presents in bright array The smaller sort, which matrons use, Not quite so blind as they. The third, the fourth, the fifth supply What their occasions ask, Who with a more discerning eye Perform a nicer task. But still with regular decrease, From size to size they fall, In every leaf grow less and less; The last are least of all. Oh! what a fund of genius, pent In narrow space is here! This volume?s method and intent How luminous and clear! It leaves no reader at a loss Or posed, whoever reads: No commentator?s tedious gloss, Nor even index needs. Search Bodley?s many thousands o?er! No book is treasured there, Nor yet in Granta?s numerous store, That may with this compare. No!?rival none in either host Of this was ever seen, Or, that contents could justly boast, So brilliant and so keen.