


亲爱的安娜:朋友与朋友之间,散文可以满足每一个共同的目的;用朴素朴素的方式来表达一天的发生;我们的健康,天气,新闻,我们走了什么路,选了什么书,以及我们在心灵表面上发现的所有漂浮的思想。但当诗人拿起笔时,他比别人更有活力,他感到一种温柔的刺痛,从他的手指和拇指,来自大自然最高贵的部分,一个发光的心的中心:这就是世界,谁也不知道在散文的旋律之上翱翔,他更崇高的变幻莫测的轻视,表明一个人对写作的渴望。无怪乎我,用诗歌来捕捉时代的轻浮者,告诉他们神圣而清晰的真理,用散文来表达,他们却听不见;我辛辛苦苦地引诱和吸引那些我从未见过的游手好闲的人,当我被召唤去找你的时候,我应该感到那种瘙痒和刺痛,我所有的目的交织在一起,对你内在的优点是真实的。他的方式是神秘的,他的力量带来了那意想不到的时刻,在那里,从未相遇的心灵,将相遇,结合,不再分离;它是上天的分配,至高无上的智慧之手,引导和管理我们的感情,计划和命令我们的关系,指引我们遥远的道路,标记我们居住的边界。当你发现我们时,我们就这样安顿下来了,我们周围都是农民和孩子,做梦也想不到这么亲爱的朋友,在银尾深渊的深处。就这样,玛莎不顾自己的意愿,站在了那边的山顶上; And you, though you must needs prefer The fairer scenes of sweet Sancerre, Are come from distant Loire, to choose A cottage on the banks of Ouse. This page of Providence quite new, And now just opening to our view, Employs our present thoughts and pains To guess, and spell, what it contains: But day by day, and year by year, Will make the dark enigma clear; And furnish us, perhaps, at last, Like other scenes already past, With proof, that we, and our affairs, Are part of a Jehovah's cares: For God unfolds, by slow degrees, The purport of his deep decrees, Sheds every hour a clearer light In aid of our defective sight; And spreads, at length, before the soul A beautiful and perfect whole, Which busy man's inventive brain Toils to anticipate, in vain. Say, Anna, had you never grown The beauties of a rose full blown, Could you, though luminous your eye, By looking on the bud descry, Or guess, with a prophetic power, The future splendour of the flower? Just so, the Omnipotent, who turns The system of a world's concerns, From mere minutiae can educe Events of most important use, And bid a dawning sky display The blaze of a meridian day. The works of man tend, one and all, As needs they must, from great to small; And vanity absorbs at length The monuments of human strength. But who can tell how vast the plan Which this day's incident began? Too small, perhaps, the slight occasion For our dim-sighted observation; It passed unnoticed, as the bird That cleaves the yielding air unheard, And yet may prove, when understood, A harbinger of endless good. Not that I deem, or mean to call Friendship a blessing cheap or small; But merely to remark, that ours, Like some of nature's sweetest flowers, Rose from a seed of tiny size, That seemed to promise no such prize; A transient visit intervening, And made almost without a meaning, (Hardly the effect of inclination), Produced a friendship, then begun, That has cemented us in one; And placed it in our power to prove, By long fidelity and love, That Solomon has wisely spoken,-- 'A threefold cord is not soon broken.'