


你没有闪电,你的正义!或者我应该知道他们的力量;如果你把我击成尘土,我的灵魂赞成这一击。那颗不看重安逸而崇拜你的道路的心,在你复仇的愤怒中看到了它赞美的对象。我高兴地躺着,隐藏着,迷失着,在午夜的阴影里;你知道,这不是为了躲避你的愤怒,而是怕我使你难堪。我所惹动的阿,击杀我吧!我将永远爱你:那当之无愧的一击,虽然会致人于死地,我也会高兴。你所能想出的最坏的计谋,难道我不配担当吗?我敢再次寻求你的宝座,与你神圣的眼睛相遇吗? Far from afflicting, thou art kind; And, in my saddest hours, An unction of thy grace I find, Pervading all my powers. Alas! thou sparest me yet again; And, when thy wrath should move, Too gentle to endure my pain, Thou soothest me with thy love. I have no punishment to fear; But, ah! that smile from thee Imparts a pang far more severe Than woe itself would be.