


这里躺着,我的猎犬是谁?没有猎犬追赶,也没有猎犬追,我的脚是谁的?不曾染过晨露,不曾听见猎人的声音?喂?老蒂尼,同类中最乖戾的,谁,护士?我温柔地呵护着你,把你禁锢在家里?还是一只野jack野兔。虽然他理所当然地从我手里拿走了他那点微薄的收入。那天晚上,他带着嫉妒的神情做了这件事,而且,当他能咬的时候,就会咬。他的饮食是小麦面包、牛奶、燕麦、稻草、蓟或生菜,用沙子冲刷他的胃。在山楂树枝上,他是帝王?d、在皮平上?赤褐色的皮;如果他的多汁沙拉失败了呢?d Slic ?d carrot pleas?d him well. A Turkey carpet was his lawn, Whereon he lov?d to bound, To skip and gambol like a fawn, And swing his rump around. His frisking wa at evening hours, For then he lost his fear; But most before approaching show?rs, Or when a storm drew near. Eight years and five round rolling moons He thus saw steal away, Dozing out all his idle noons, And ev?ry night at play. I kept him for his humour?s sake, For he would oft beguile My heart of thoughts that made it ache, And force me to a smile. But now, beneath this walnut-shade He finds his long, last home, And waits inn snug concealment laid, `Till gentler puss shall come. He, still more aged, feels the shocks From which no care can save, And, partner once of Tiney?s box, Must soon partake his grave.