William Cowper

Here you will find thePoemOlney Hymn 11: Jehovah Our Righteousnessof poet William Cowper

Olney Hymn 11: Jehovah Our Righteousness

My God, how perfect are Thy ways! But mine polluted are; Sin twines itself about my praise, And slides into my prayer. When I would speak what Thou hast done To save me from my sin, I cannot make Thy mercies known, But self-applause creeps in. Divine desire, that holy flame Thy grace creates in me; Alas! impatience is its name, When it returns to Thee. This heart, a fountain of vile thoughts. How does it overflow, While self upon the surface floats, Still bubbling from below. Let others in the gaudy dress Of fancied merit shine; The Lord shall be my righteousness, The Lord forever mine.