


社会已经完全抛弃了它所有的邪恶行径,它清空了我们的警察法庭,废除了离婚。(离婚在英国几乎已经过时了。)我们不容忍不应得的地位和荣耀;因为他的地位越高,犯的罪就越大。(这句格言在英国很流行。)在客人们走过之前,我们客厅里没有不受下层中产阶级欢迎的贵族;每一个阴暗的女人,不管她的地位如何,都被整齐地鞠躬谢幕。简而言之,这个幸福的国家完全被英国化了!我们带来了多么彻底的英国化——乌托邦完全是另一个世界;在她进取的行动中,她是英国——经过改进,我们尽职尽责地向我们的祖国奉献! Our city we have beautified - we've done it willy-nilly - And all that isn't Belgrave Square is Strand and Piccadilly. (They haven't any slummeries in England.) We have solved the labour question with discrimination polished, So poverty is obsolete and hunger is abolished - (They are going to abolish it in England.) The Chamberlain our native stage has purged, beyond a question, Of "risky" situation and indelicate suggestion; No piece is tolerated if it's costumed indiscreetly - In short, this happy country has been Anglicised completely! It really is surprising What a thorough Anglicising We've brought about - Utopia's quite another land; In her enterprising movements, She is England - with improvements, Which we dutifully offer to our mother-land! Our Peerage we've remodelled on an intellectual basis, Which certainly is rough on our hereditary races - (They are going to remodel it in England.) The Brewers and the Cotton Lords no longer seek admission, And Literary Merit meets with proper recognition - (As Literary Merit does in England!) Who knows but we may count among our intellectual chickens Like them an Earl of Thackeray and p'raps a Duke of Dickens - Lord Fildes and Viscount Millais (when they come) we'll welcome sweetly - And then, this happy country will be Anglicised completely! It really is surprising What a thorough Anglicising We've brought about - Utopia's quite another land; In her enterprising movements, She is England - with improvements, Which we dutifully offer to our mother-land!