


巴贝特,她是个渔妇,穿着条纹衣服,帽子上有褶。她在黑尔农场里度过了她的日子,或者捕捉敏捷的小虾。然而她像五月里的花朵一样甜美,没有专业的花束。雅克是布洛涅的一名海关官员,他爱芭贝特——他诉说着他的爱,叹着气说:“噢,这是我的爱!”但是“不行!”她说,“雅克,我的宝贝,你的宝贝,我的宝贝。”“我每晚梦见一个人,他是一个能干的水手,愉快地为总汽船航行公司服务。只要他愿意,我就嫁给他——我想他叫比尔。“他不知道的时候,我看见他在我们好客的海岸上,悠闲地倚在港口的一根柱子上,我敢说,他在想他远在天边的家乡切尔西!”“噢,mon!”海关官员叫道,“Mes yeux!”他说(意思是我的眼睛)“噢,这儿!”我听说他还叫道,“Par Jove,”他叹了口气补充说。 "Oh, mon! oh, chere! mes yeux! par Jove! Je n'aime pas cet enticing cove!" The PANTHER'S captain stood hard by, He was a man of morals strict If e'er a sailor winked his eye, Straightway he had that sailor licked, Mast-headed all (such was his code) Who dashed or jiggered, blessed or blowed. He wept to think a tar of his Should lean so gracefully on posts, He sighed and sobbed to think of this, On foreign, French, and friendly coasts. "It's human natur', p'raps - if so, Oh, isn't human natur' low!" He called his BILL, who pulled his curl, He said, "My BILL, I understand You've captivated some young gurl On this here French and foreign land. Her tender heart your beauties jog - They do, you know they do, you dog. "You have a graceful way, I learn, Of leaning airily on posts, By which you've been and caused to burn A tender flame on these here coasts. A fisher gurl, I much regret, - Her age, sixteen - her name, BABETTE. "You'll marry her, you gentle tar - Your union I myself will bless, And when you matrimonied are, I will appoint her stewardess." But WILLIAM hitched himself and sighed, And cleared his throat, and thus replied: "Not so: unless you're fond of strife, You'd better mind your own affairs, I have an able-bodied wife Awaiting me at Wapping Stairs; If all this here to her I tell, She'll larrup you and me as well. "Skin-deep, and valued at a pin, Is beauty such as VENUS owns - HER beauty is beneath her skin, And lies in layers on her bones. The other sailors of the crew They always calls her 'Whopping Sue!'" "Oho!" the Captain said, "I see! And is she then so very strong?" "She'd take your honour's scruff," said he "And pitch you over to Bolong!" "I pardon you," the Captain said, "The fair BABETTE you needn't wed." Perhaps the Customs had his will, And coaxed the scornful girl to wed, Perhaps the Captain and his BILL, And WILLIAM'S little wife are dead; Or p'raps they're all alive and well: I cannot, cannot, cannot tell.