


啊,勇敢的阿隆姆·贝伊的胸怀多么宽广啊,那片土地在它下面躺着,无论安全还是危险,都冰凉得出奇,他住在斯坦波尔河畔。每天早晨,他都到自己的花园去采一束金盏花,把这束娇艳的花献给拉哈特·拉库姆的女儿巴克谢什。没有哪个姑娘能像巴克希什那样,把一壶肉汤或一块切布肉煮得那么美味,阿明,勇敢的家伙!他若有所思地坐在旁边,眼睛里闪着同情的光芒。有一天,严厉的责任迫使他离开她(一艘船的超级货物是勇敢的ALUM BEY) -他向年轻漂亮的BACKSHEESH致敬,并航行到Seringapatam岛。“啊,阿罗姆,”她说,“在你走之前,再想一想——哈莱姆可能会崛起,莫卧儿可能会被吹倒;你可以打到帽子上,或者被淹死,这是胆小鬼!”但阿明拥抱了她,对她说:“别哭了,美丽的巴克谢什!我心甘情愿地发誓,我永远穿软木夹克和裤子,而且我还发誓,我永远——不,永远——不脱我的衣服!”他们从右边离开了马达加斯加,第二天晚上把克拉彭变成了普通城市,然后在火奴鲁鲁的海洋里划了一两个星期的桨,停了下来。 One day ALUM saw, with alarm in his breast, A cloud on the nor-sow-sow-nor-sow-nor-west; The wind it arose, and the crew gave a scream, For they knew it - they knew it! - the dreaded Hareem!! The mast it went over, and so did the sails, Brave ALUM threw over his casks and his bales; The billows arose as the weather grew thick, And all except ALUM were terribly sick. The crew were but three, but they holloa'd for nine, They howled and they blubbered with wail and with whine: The skipper he fainted away in the fore, For he hadn't the heart for to skip any more. "Ho, coward!" said ALUM, "with heart of a child! Thou son of a party whose grave is defiled! Is ALUM in terror? is ALUM afeard? Ho! ho! If you had one I'd laugh at your beard." His eyeball it gleamed like a furnace of coke; He boldly inflated his clothes as he spoke; He daringly felt for the corks on his chest, And he recklessly tightened the belt at his breast. For he knew, the brave ALUM, that, happen what might, With belts and cork-jacketing, HE was all right; Though others might sink, he was certain to swim, - No Hareem whatever had terrors for him! They begged him to spare from his personal store A single cork garment - they asked for no more; But he couldn't, because of the number of oaths That he never - no, never! - would take off his clothes. The billows dash o'er them and topple around, They see they are pretty near sure to be drowned. A terrible wave o'er the quarter-deck breaks, And the vessel it sinks in a couple of shakes! The dreadful Hareem, though it knows how to blow, Expends all its strength in a minute or so; When the vessel had foundered, as I have detailed, The tempest subsided, and quiet prevailed. One seized on a cork with a yelling "Ha! ha!" (Its bottle had 'prisoned a pint of Pacha) - Another a toothpick - another a tray - "Alas! it is useless!" said brave ALUM BEY. "To holloa and kick is a very bad plan: Get it over, my tulips, as soon as you can; You'd better lay hold of a good lump of lead, And cling to it tightly until you are dead. "Just raise your hands over your pretty heads - so - Right down to the bottom you're certain to go. Ta! ta! I'm afraid we shall not meet again" - For the truly courageous are truly humane. Brave ALUM was picked up the very next day - A man-o'-war sighted him smoking away; With hunger and cold he was ready to drop, So they sent him below and they gave him a chop. O reader, or readress, whichever you be, You weep for the crew who have sunk in the sea? O reader, or readress, read farther, and dry The bright sympathetic ka-bob in your eye. That ship had a grapple with three iron spikes, - It's lowered, and, ha! on a something it strikes! They haul it aboard with a British "heave-ho!" And what it has fished the drawing will show. There was WILSON, and PARKER, and TOMLINSON, too - (The first was the captain, the others the crew) - As lively and spry as a Malabar ape, Quite pleased and surprised at their happy escape. And ALUM, brave fellow, who stood in the fore, And never expected to look on them more, Was really delighted to see them again, For the truly courageous are truly humane.