


在海上的所有船只中,没有一艘船的船员比指挥壁炉的可敬的船长里斯的船员更好。他受到全体船员的爱戴,因为可敬的船长REECE, r.n.,尽他所能来提高他的船员的舒适度。如果他们是沉闷或悲伤,他们的船长像疯了一样跳舞,或告诉他们,让时间流逝,滑稽的传说,他的童年。羽绒床上有每个人,温暖的拖鞋和热水罐,船长商店的布朗温莎,还有一个男仆,每四个。他们在夏天口渴时,每一次都在燃烧,在所有闷热的日子里,用托盘分发奶油冰淇淋。然后,葡萄干酒和姜汁棒棒糖轻松地站在所有的“顶部”上;而且,随着娱乐的盛行,还有“西洋镜,或生命之轮”。新书漂洋过海从慕迪先生的图书馆运来;《泰晤士报》和《星期六评论》消磨了船员们的闲暇时光。善良的里斯船长,r.n.,对他的士兵非常忠诚; In point of fact, good CAPTAIN REECE Beatified THE MANTELPIECE. One summer eve, at half-past ten, He said (addressing all his men): "Come, tell me, please, what I can do To please and gratify my crew. "By any reasonable plan I'll make you happy if I can; My own convenience count as NIL: It is my duty, and I will." Then up and answered WILLIAM LEE (The kindly captain's coxswain he, A nervous, shy, low-spoken man), He cleared his throat and thus began: "You have a daughter, CAPTAIN REECE, Ten female cousins and a niece, A Ma, if what I'm told is true, Six sisters, and an aunt or two. "Now, somehow, sir, it seems to me, More friendly-like we all should be, If you united of 'em to Unmarried members of the crew. "If you'd ameliorate our life, Let each select from them a wife; And as for nervous me, old pal, Give me your own enchanting gal!" Good CAPTAIN REECE, that worthy man, Debated on his coxswain's plan: "I quite agree," he said, "O BILL; It is my duty, and I will. "My daughter, that enchanting gurl, Has just been promised to an Earl, And all my other familee To peers of various degree. "But what are dukes and viscounts to The happiness of all my crew? The word I gave you I'll fulfil; It is my duty, and I will. "As you desire it shall befall, I'll settle thousands on you all, And I shall be, despite my hoard, The only bachelor on board." The boatswain of THE MANTELPIECE, He blushed and spoke to CAPTAIN REECE: "I beg your honour's leave," he said; "If you would wish to go and wed, "I have a widowed mother who Would be the very thing for you - She long has loved you from afar: She washes for you, CAPTAIN R." The Captain saw the dame that day - Addressed her in his playful way - "And did it want a wedding ring? It was a tempting ickle sing! "Well, well, the chaplain I will seek, We'll all be married this day week At yonder church upon the hill; It is my duty, and I will!" The sisters, cousins, aunts, and niece, And widowed Ma of CAPTAIN REECE, Attended there as they were bid; It was their duty, and they did.