
在这里你会发现Eheu Fugaces——!诗人威廉·施温克·吉尔伯特

Eheu Fugaces——!

空气中充满了情歌——柔和的牧歌和梦幻般的情人之歌。平安,平安,老心!为什么要从沉睡中唤醒对旧日的痛苦记忆?那是我和爱相知的时光;时光是我们手拉手走过的时光;一个圣洁的青年,没有世俗的思想玷污,没有人比我更受人爱戴!曾经有那么一段时间,地位最高贵的少女们,甚至连军人也不愿理会,她们会全神贯注地注视着我——唉,那时我是一个漂亮的年轻副牧师!我头痛吗?女仆们聚集在一起,叹着气;我感冒了吗? welled forth the silent tear; Did I look pale? then half a parish trembled; And when I coughed all thought the end was near! I had no care - no jealous doubts hung o'er me - For I was loved beyond all other men. Fled gilded dukes and belted earls before me - Ah me, I was a pale young curate then!