


太阳正从它惯有的西边落山,这时,查索尔的副中尉洪格力在巫师的橡树下遇见了村中的玫瑰玛丽·多比尼——那是玫瑰色的阿基坦地区相爱的人们常去的地方。他们以为自己无人看管,其实不然;因为查苏尔中尉洪格力,在乔尔斯·杜波斯中校身上发现了一个嫉妒的、不择手段的对手,他认为避开他的脚步并不是一种卑鄙的蔑视,并且在不被察觉的情况下,倾听着单纯的小乡村玫瑰和查苏尔中尉洪格力之间发生的一切。杜波斯克是一个笨拙的军营恶霸,他完全不熟悉教养良好的机智,这是一个得体的绅士在与一个地位低下的女孩打交道时所表现出来的。当我说他本想娶玛丽·多比尼,把这个不世俗化的姑娘拖进时髦生活的圈子里去的时候,你就会明白他的粗俗了,而她那异乎寻常的土气,她的教养(道德,但极其粗鲁),她的语言(贞洁,但不合语法),绝对不适合她。查苏尔中尉洪格力和这个没有思想的人是多么不同啊。与我们开篇所讲的事件同时发生的,是在特鲁瓦签订条约之后,加利亚和我们之间的那场悲惨的战争吗?于是,法国国王查理派乔尔斯·杜波斯中校(他是个勇敢的士兵,虽然作风上有种种缺点)和沙苏尔中尉洪格力,去攻打我们六世亨利一世(1429年)的防线,把他的军团赶出阿基坦。查苏尔中尉洪格力在与“村玫瑰”号会面后,毫无疑义地回到营地,他在营房的信箱里发现了司令官的一张便条,要求他到司令部报到。他去了,找到了乔尔斯中校。 "Young HONGREE, Sub-Lieutenant of Chassoores, This night we shall attack the English camp: Be the 'forlorn hope' yours - you'll lead it, sir, And lead it too with credit, I've no doubt. As every man must certainly be killed (For you are twenty 'gainst two thousand men), It is not likely that you will return. But what of that? you'll have the benefit Of knowing that you die a soldier's death." Obedience was young HONGREE'S strongest point, But he imagined that he only owed Allegiance to his MAHRY and his King. "If MAHRY bade me lead these fated men, I'd lead them -but I do not think she would. If CHARLES, my King, said, 'Go, my son, and die,' I'd go, of course - my duty would be clear. But MAHRY is in bed asleep, I hope, And CHARLES, my King, a hundred leagues from this. As for LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOOLES DUBOSC, How know I that our monarch would approve The order he has given me to-night? My King I've sworn in all things to obey - I'll only take my orders from my King!" Thus HONGREE, Sub-Lieutenant of Chassoores, Interpreted the terms of his commission. And HONGREE, who was wise as he was good, Disguised himself that night in ample cloak, Round flapping hat, and vizor mask of black, And made, unnoticed, for the English camp. He passed the unsuspecting sentinels (Who little thought a man in this disguise Could be a proper object of suspicion), And ere the curfew bell had boomed "lights out," He found in audience Bedford's haughty Duke. "Your Grace," he said, "start not - be not alarmed, Although a Frenchman stands before your eyes. I'm HONGREE, Sub-Lieutenant of Chassoores. My Colonel will attack your camp to-night, And orders me to lead the hope forlorn. Now I am sure our excellent KING CHARLES Would not approve of this; but he's away A hundred leagues, and rather more than that. So, utterly devoted to my King, Blinded by my attachment to the throne, And having but its interest at heart, I feel it is my duty to disclose All schemes that emanate from COLONEL JOOLES, If I believe that they are not the kind Of schemes that our good monarch would approve." "But how," said Bedford's Duke, "do you propose That we should overthrow your Colonel's scheme?" And HONGREE, Sub-Lieutenant of Chassoores, Replied at once with never-failing tact: "Oh, sir, I know this cursed country well. Entrust yourself and all your host to me; I'll lead you safely by a secret path Into the heart of COLONEL JOOLES' array, And you can then attack them unprepared, And slay my fellow-countrymen unarmed." The thing was done. The DUKE of BEDFORD gave The order, and two thousand fighting men Crept silently into the Gallic camp, And slew the Frenchmen as they lay asleep; And Bedford's haughty Duke slew COLONEL JOOLES, And gave fair MAHRY, pride of Aquitaine, To HONGREE, Sub-Lieutenant of Chassoores.