


地球上有很多军队,半战团,我敢说在欧洲有二十支;但是,哦!在兄弟情谊方面,你找不到任何一个人可以与FLARE上校相提并论。他的士兵可以被评为军事明珠。像漂亮的小女孩一样纯朴!他们从不抽烟,不喝酒,也不谈论苏或民调;军士长刺青,其他人照顾他们的娃娃。他整天都在教授这些真正庄严的事实;说教或散发传单都没什么用。(这是用来扼杀其他信仰的最徒劳的计划,除非辅以慈善行为。) He taught his soldiers kindly To give at Hunger's call: "Oh, better far give blindly, Than never give at all! Though sympathy be kindled By Imposition's game, Oh, better far be swindled Than smother up its flame!" His means were far from ample For pleasure or for dress, Yet note this bright example Of single-heartedness: Though ranking as a Colonel, His pay was but a groat, While their reward diurnal Was - each a five-pound note. Moreover, - this evinces His kindness, you'll allow, - He fed them all like princes, And lived himself on cow. He set them all regaling On curious wines, and dear, While he would sit pale-ale-ing, Or quaffing ginger-beer. Then at his instigation (A pretty fancy this) Their daily pay and ration He'd take in change for his; They brought it to him weekly, And he without a groan, Would take it from them meekly And give them all his own! Though not exactly knighted As knights, of course, should be, Yet no one so delighted In harmless chivalry. If peasant girl or ladye Beneath misfortunes sank, Whate'er distinctions made he, They were not those of rank. No maiden young and comely Who wanted good advice (However poor or homely) Need ask him for it twice. He'd wipe away the blindness That comes of teary dew; His sympathetic kindness No sort of limit knew. He always hated dealing With men who schemed or planned; A person harsh - unfeeling - The Colonel could not stand. He hated cold, suspecting, Official men in blue, Who pass their lives detecting The crimes that others do. For men who'd shoot a sparrow, Or immolate a worm Beneath a farmer's harrow, He could not find a term. Humanely, ay, and knightly He dealt with such an one; He took and tied him tightly, And blew him from a gun. The earth has armies plenty, And semi-warlike bands, I'm certain there are twenty In European lands; But, oh! in no direction You'd find one to compare In brotherly affection With that of COLONEL FLARE.