


首先你出生了——我敢肯定你会发现周围有一打陌生人。“喂,”新生婴儿叫道,“我的父母呢?是哪一种呢?”尴尬的沉默-没有回答-困惑的婴儿想知道为什么!父亲站起来,礼貌地鞠了一躬——母亲微笑着(但不是太灿烂)——医生像个哑巴一样喃喃自语——护士正忙着调和什么东西。-每一个症状都倾向于表明你绝对是DE TROP -嗬!喂!喂!喂!喂! he! ho! ho! Time's teetotum, If you spin it, Give its quotum Once a minute: I'll go bail You hit the nail, And if you fail The deuce is in it! You grow up, and you discover What it is to be a lover. Some young lady is selected - Poor, perhaps, but well-connected, Whom you hail (for Love is blind As the Queen of Fairy-kind. Though she's plain - perhaps unsightly, Makes her face up - laces tightly, In her form your fancy traces All the gifts of all the graces. Rivals none the maiden woo, So you take her and she takes you! Ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! Joke beginning, Never ceases, Till your inning Time releases; On your way You blindly stray, And day by day The joke increases! Ten years later - Time progresses - Sours your temper - thins your tresses; Fancy, then, her chain relaxes; Rates are facts and so are taxes. Fairy Queen's no longer young - Fairy Queen has such a tongue! Twins have probably intruded - Quite unbidden - just as you did; They're a source of care and trouble - Just as you were - only double. Comes at last the final stroke - Time has had his little joke! Ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! Daily driven (Wife as drover) Ill you've thriven - Ne'er in clover: Lastly, when Threescore and ten (And not till then), The joke is over! Ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! ho! Then - and then The joke is over!