


警察彼得·福斯:我把他从隐蔽的隐蔽处拖了出来。他是个快活、和蔼、爱开玩笑的人,喜欢狂妄自大。如果乡巴佬问他现在是几点,他常常会说:“13点一刻。”如果你向福斯先生打听去南方某个地方的路,他总是把你送到北方。和小男孩们一起,他喜欢停下来玩;他爱错待老妇人,教她们走迷路。他会在欢乐的时刻,当这样的恶作剧下定决心时,拿主教当赌注——叫大臣们走开。然后是他认识的所有有价值的男孩,他经常揍他们,并且总是逮住那些口袋被偷的人。他并不是天生坏,也不是天生有坏心眼,但他从小就有一种爱开玩笑的性格。伦敦人阴沉着脸,怒不可遏;伦敦人粗暴地咆哮着,但彼得平静地微笑着。 Against this minion of the Crown The swelling murmurs grew - From Camberwell to Kentish Town - From Rotherhithe to Kew. Still humoured he his wagsome turn, And fed in various ways The coward rage that dared to burn, But did not dare to blaze. Still, Retribution has her day, Although her flight is slow: ONE DAY THAT CRUSHER LOST HIS WAY NEAR POLAND STREET, SOHO. The haughty boy, too proud to ask, To find his way resolved, And in the tangle of his task Got more and more involved. The Men of London, overjoyed, Came there to jeer their foe, And flocking crowds completely cloyed The mazes of Soho. The news on telegraphic wires Sped swiftly o'er the lea, Excursion trains from distant shires Brought myriads to see. For weeks he trod his self-made beats Through Newport- Gerrard- Bear- Greek- Rupert- Frith- Dean- Poland- Streets, And into Golden Square. But all, alas! in vain, for when He tried to learn the way Of little boys or grown-up men, They none of them would say. Their eyes would flash - their teeth would grind - Their lips would tightly curl - They'd say, "Thy way thyself must find, Thou misdirecting churl!" And, similarly, also, when He tried a foreign friend; Italians answered, "IL BALEN" - The French, "No comprehend." The Russ would say with gleaming eye " Sevastopol!" and groan. The Greek said, [GREEK TEXT WHICH CANNOT BE REPRODUCED]." To wander thus for many a year That Crusher never ceased - The Men of London dropped a tear, Their anger was appeased. At length exploring gangs were sent To find poor FORTH'S remains - A handsome grant by Parliament Was voted for their pains. To seek the poor policeman out Bold spirits volunteered, And when they swore they'd solve the doubt, The Men of London cheered. And in a yard, dark, dank, and drear, They found him, on the floor - It leads from Richmond Buildings - near The Royalty stage-door. With brandy cold and brandy hot They plied him, starved and wet, And made him sergeant on the spot - The Men of London's pet!