


这是巴纳比·班普顿爵士,一个高贵的种族的最后一员,巴纳比·班普顿,来求爱了,所有的步伐都很缓慢。巴纳比·班普顿·布,祝你健康,祝你好运,老巴克!塔普顿维的优秀妇女认识巴纳比·布爵士;其中一个肯定是他的新娘,但谁也不知道是谁。塔普顿维的女人们,这是你们的健康,为了一个准男爵,亲爱的,你们会割掉你们的耳朵的,塔普顿维的女人们!这是德·普罗老夫妇(他的教名是彼得),他们养了七头牛,一头猪和一头母牛——种地是他们的游戏。亲爱的老彼得·德·普罗,这是给你的健康:虽然你已经七十一岁了,但你的比赛还没有结束,亲爱的老彼得·德·普罗!巴纳比·布爵士来到了出色的德·普罗夫妇家,他问起了他们的女儿,并告诉他们他是如何像犹太人一样富有。巴纳比·班普顿的财富,这是你快乐的健康:如果你是我的,我绝不会抱怨,巴纳比·班普顿的财富!“啊,伟大的巴纳比·班普顿爵士,”(普罗对着那封署名的信说道),“我太太给我生了两个女儿——阿米莉亚和易变的内尔!” AMELIA and VOLATILE NELL, I hope you're uncommonly well: You two pretty pearls - you extremely nice girls - AMELIA and VOLATILE NELL! "AMELIA is passable only, in face, But, oh! she's a worthy girl; Superior morals like hers would grace The home of a belted Earl." Morality, heavenly link! To you I'll eternally drink: I'm awfully fond of that heavenly bond, Morality, heavenly link! "Now NELLY'S the prettier, p'raps, of my gals, But, oh! she's a wayward chit; She dresses herself in her showy fal-lals, And doesn't read TUPPER a bit!" O TUPPER, philosopher true, How do you happen to do? A publisher looks with respect on your books, For they DO sell, philosopher true! The Bart. (I'll be hanged if I drink him again, Or care if he's ill or well), He sneered at the goodness of MILLY THE PLAIN, And cottoned to VOLATILE NELL! O VOLATILE NELLY DE P.! Be hanged if I'll empty to thee: I like worthy maids, not mere frivolous jades, VOLATILE NELLY DE P.! They bolted, the Bart. and his frivolous dear, And MILLY was left to pout; For years they've got on very well, as I hear, But soon he will rue it, no doubt. O excellent MILLY DE PLOW, I really can't drink to you now; My head isn't strong, and the song has been long, Excellent MILLY DE PLOW!