


盖伊爵士是一个勇敢的十字军战士,一个肌肉发达的骑士,随时准备战斗,一个非常坚定的入侵者,迪基·德·狮子的快乐。勒诺尔是撒拉逊人的少女,褐发肤色,雕像般的,怪诞的反面,她的父亲是来自亚丁的推销员,她的母亲她扮演滑稽剧。一个美丽而忠诚的仙女,穿着琥珀色和红色的衣服,她带领着芭蕾舞团;她的母亲在皇家剧院演出,在撒拉逊人的头上。她的面容和身材磅礴,使城市眼花缭乱——狂喜的深渊;-她的烦恼只是家庭问题,却使她几乎失去了理智。她的父亲不停地鞭打她,只给她水和面包吃;每当她的父亲打她时,她的母亲就坐在她的头上。盖伊看见了她,就理所当然地爱上了她,因为如此灿烂的美使他欣喜若狂;他为这个季节买了一个摊位,每天晚上都坐在里面。 His views were exceedingly proper, He wanted to wed, So he called at her shed And saw her progenitor whop her - Her mother sit down on her head. "So pretty," said he, "and so trusting! You brute of a dad, You unprincipled cad, Your conduct is really disgusting, Come, come, now admit it's too bad! "You're a turbaned old Turk, and malignant - Your daughter LENORE I intensely adore, And I cannot help feeling indignant, A fact that I hinted before; "To see a fond father employing A deuce of a knout For to bang her about, To a sensitive lover's annoying." Said the bagman, "Crusader, get out." Says GUY, "Shall a warrior laden With a big spiky knob, Sit in peace on his cob While a beautiful Saracen maiden Is whipped by a Saracen snob? "To London I'll go from my charmer." Which he did, with his loot (Seven hats and a flute), And was nabbed for his Sydenham armour At MR. BEN-SAMUEL'S suit. SIR GUY he was lodged in the Compter, Her pa, in a rage, Died (don't know his age), His daughter, she married the prompter, Grew bulky and quitted the stage.