


哦!一个私人小丑是一个无忧无虑的懒汉,如果你听流行的谣言;从早到晚,他都是那么的快乐和明亮,他充满了智慧和幽默!无论是散文还是诗歌,他都是那么古雅,那么简洁;然而,尽管人们原谅了他的过错,但如果他们热爱自己的职业,所有的家庭傻瓜都必须遵守一两条规则。如果他们热爱自己的职业,所有的家庭傻瓜,无论程度如何,都必须遵守一两条规则,也许是六条。如果你想成为一个成功的小丑,你需要考虑到每个人的耳朵:对B来说没问题的事情可能会让C感到反感(因为C非常挑剔);D可能很迟钝,而E的脑壳很厚,就像一个勺子一样没有脑子;当F是升F的时候,他会像鲤鱼一样哭,因为他从小就知道你最精彩的笑话!当你的幽默被嘲笑时,你放不下自己; And it DOES put you out When a person says, "Oh! I have known that old joke from my cradle!" If your master is surly, from getting up early (And tempers are short in the morning), An inopportune joke is enough to provoke Him to give you, at once, a month's warning. Then if you refrain, he is at you again, For he likes to get value for money: He'll ask then and there, with an insolent stare, "If you know that you're paid to be funny?" It adds to the tasks Of a merryman's place, When your principal asks, With a scowl on his face, If you know that you're paid to be funny? Comes a Bishop, maybe, or a solemn D.D. - Oh, beware of his anger provoking! Better not pull his hair - don't stick pins in his chair; He won't understand practical joking. If the jests that you crack have an orthodox smack, You may get a bland smile from these sages; But should it, by chance, be imported from France, Half-a-crown is stopped out of your wages! It's a general rule, Though your zeal it may quench, If the Family Fool Makes a joke that's TOO French, Half-a-crown is stopped out of his wages! Though your head it may rack with a bilious attack, And your senses with toothache you're losing, And you're mopy and flat - they don't fine you for that If you're properly quaint and amusing! Though your wife ran away with a soldier that day, And took with her your trifle of money; Bless your heart, they don't mind - they're exceedingly kind - They don't blame you - as long as you're funny! It's a comfort to feel If your partner should flit, Though YOU suffer a deal, THEY don't mind it a bit - They don't blame you - so long as you're funny!