


我认识一个乡巴佬——一个小丑(他唯一的朋友是猪、牛和一个小农家院子里的家禽),他的身价是二十万。好运并没有改变布朗,尽管她是一个强大的社会化学家;他是个小丑——我说的小丑并不是指哑剧演员。这让他安静、冷静、冷静,虽然他几乎不知道皇冠是什么——你无法想象贫穷、富有、没有受过教育的布朗是多么愚蠢!他寻找所有愿意来的人,给他金钱教育;我想让你了解一下他是如何愚蠢地愚弄别人的。我成立了一两个公司——(当然我不知道其他的是什么意思,我成立它们只是为了帮助他进行合理的投资)。他们的目标是——他们唯一关心的是——证明他们的董事会有足够的股份分红让他们的好推动者继续运转下去。但不行——那笨蛋固执己见,尽管我愿意按面值提供股票:然而——人们会相信吗?-屁股拒绝了,谢谢,我的好意! He adds, with bumpkin's stolid grin (A weakly intellect denoting), He'd rather not invest it in A company of my promoting! "You have two hundred 'thou' or more," Said I. "You'll waste it, lose it, lend it; Come, take my furnished second floor, I'll gladly show you how to spend it." But will it be believed that he, With grin upon his face of poppy, Declined my aid, while thanking me For what he called my "philanthroppy"? Some blind, suspicious fools rejoice In doubting friends who wouldn't harm them; They will not hear the charmer's voice, However wisely he may charm them! I showed him that his coat, all dust, Top boots and cords provoked compassion, And proved that men of station must Conform to the decrees of fashion. I showed him where to buy his hat To coat him, trouser him, and boot him; But no - he wouldn't hear of that - "He didn't think the style would suit him!" I offered him a county seat, And made no end of an oration; I made it certainty complete, And introduced the deputation. But no - the clown my prospect blights - (The worth of birth it surely teaches!) "Why should I want to spend my nights In Parliament, a-making speeches? "I haven't never been to school - I ain't had not no eddication - And I should surely be a fool To publish that to all the nation!" I offered him a trotting horse - No hack had ever trotted faster - I also offered him, of course, A rare and curious "old master." I offered to procure him weeds - Wines fit for one in his position - But, though an ass in all his deeds, He'd learnt the meaning of "commission." He called me "thief" the other day, And daily from his door he thrusts me; Much more of this, and soon I may Begin to think that BROWN mistrusts me. So deaf to all sound Reason's rule This poor uneducated clown is, You canNOT fancy what a fool Poor rich uneducated BROWN is.