


我常想,受过良好教育的任性的年轻人,以一种奇怪的沉淀,决定了一切重要的真理。随时准备好成为受害者的他们,逻辑幻觉的受害者,以一种武断的方式,他们得出奇怪的结论。现在以我为例:在忧愁使我宽大的额头起皱纹之前,我已下定决心,不愿成为皱纹。“一个温文尔雅的人,”我总是兴致勃勃地走上前,“很少会调情,从不跳舞,也不会抽烟来抚慰心灵。”简而言之,我摒弃了那种快乐,说话时带着一种奇怪的决心——人们指着我,说我是一个嘲笑他们的男孩。但我当时还年轻——还年轻得多——或者我当时比较谨慎,我当时不知道皱纹是玛丽的招牌。我没有看到她的阳光欢快地在他们的贝壳上跳舞——我看到那些皱纹在她喜气洋洋的目光下几乎扭动。如果我早知道他们是玛丽的食物和交易对象,我肯定会小心对待所有眨眼的孩子。无论高低贵贱,无论大小,都拜倒在她的脚前。他们都是贵族,都在伯爵家有存款。公爵贝利公爵和公爵汉菲公爵同这位可爱的姑娘打交道,他们吃她的皱纹,吃得很不舒服。 DUKE BAILEY greatest wealth computes, And sticks, they say, at no-thing, He wears a pair of golden boots And silver underclothing. DUKE HUMPHY, as I understand, Though mentally acuter, His boots are only silver, and His underclothing pewter. A third adorer had the girl, A man of lowly station - A miserable grov'ling Earl Besought her approbation. This humble cad she did refuse With much contempt and loathing, He wore a pair of leather shoes And cambric underclothing! "Ha! ha!" she cried. "Upon my word! Well, really - come, I never! Oh, go along, it's too absurd! My goodness! Did you ever? "Two Dukes would Mary make a bride, And from her foes defend her" - "Well, not exactly that," they cried, "We offer guilty splendour. "We do not offer marriage rite, So please dismiss the notion!" "Oh dear," said she, "that alters quite The state of my emotion." The Earl he up and says, says he, "Dismiss them to their orgies, For I am game to marry thee Quite reg'lar at St. George's." (He'd had, it happily befell, A decent education, His views would have befitted well A far superior station.) His sterling worth had worked a cure, She never heard him grumble; She saw his soul was good and pure, Although his rank was humble. Her views of earldoms and their lot, All underwent expansion - Come, Virtue in an earldom's cot! Go, Vice in ducal mansion!