


清晨,我们早早起床,开始生火,然后,陛下,穿上工作日的衣服,我们毫不拖延地开始一天的工作。首先,我们擦亮了几批政治快件,并与外国政客规避;然后,如果生意不太忙,我们可以举行皇家阅兵,或者批准议会的一些法案,然后我们可能会检阅皇家部队——用通常的“浅浅的驼峰”和“浅浅的圆环”!或者隆重地接待一位有趣的东方君主。之后,我们通常会去给贴身男仆穿衣服(这是一项相当紧张的任务——他是个敏感的小个子男人)——给我们的私人秘书写一些文学信件(他的拼写不太好,所以我们会尽力帮助他)。然后,考虑到内心的渴望,我们下楼点晚餐;或者我们擦亮王徽和加冕盘——花一个小时来激励我们所有的侍从;或者我们为国务大臣们跑腿。噢,哲学家们也许会歌颂国王的苦难,然而他的职责是令人愉快的,他的特权是伟大的;但我们无比珍惜的特权和快乐,却是为大臣们跑腿! After luncheon (making merry On a bun and glass of sherry), If we've nothing in particular to do, We may make a Proclamation, Or receive a Deputation - Then we possibly create a Peer or two. Then we help a fellow-creature on his path With the Garter or the Thistle or the Bath: Or we dress and toddle off in semi-State To a festival, a function, or a FETE. Then we go and stand as sentry At the Palace (private entry), Marching hither, marching thither, up and down and to and fro, While the warrior on duty Goes in search of beer and beauty (And it generally happens that he hasn't far to go). He relieves us, if he's able, Just in time to lay the table. Then we dine and serve the coffee; and at half-past twelve or one, With a pleasure that's emphatic; Then we seek our little attic With the gratifying feeling that our duty has been done. Oh, philosophers may sing Of the troubles of a King, But of pleasures there are many and of troubles there are none; And the culminating pleasure That we treasure beyond measure Is the gratifying feeling that our duty has been done!