


在从迪尔到拉姆斯盖特海峡的海岸上,我在一块石头上发现了一个年老的海军。他的头发长得像野草,他的胡子长得像野草,他的头发长得像野草,我听见岸上有个幽灵用一种独特的小调朗诵:“噢,我是一个厨子,一个大胆的船长,南希双桅船的大副,一个水手,一个海军军官候补生,一个船长的小舢板的船员。”摇着拳头和他扯他的头发,直到我真的感到害怕,我不禁思考的人喝,所以我简单地说:“哦,老人,这是我所知道的小男人的职责,我会吃我的手如果我理解但是你可以“一次一个厨师,和大胆的队长,和南希禁闭室的伴侣,和薄熙来'sun紧,midshipmite,船长船员的演出。”然后他在裤子上系了个结,这是所有水手都学会的把戏,在摆脱了砰砰作响的quid后,他编了这个痛苦的故事:“我们在南希·贝尔号好船上航行到印度洋,在那里我们遇到了礁石,这是我经常想到的。“几乎所有的船员都淹死了(总共七十七个人),只有十个人说‘在这儿!对着集合簿说。“我、厨子、船长,还有南西双桅船的大副,船长的太阳紧身衣,一个海军军官候补生,还有船长的小艇上的船员。“整整一个月,我们既不吃也不喝,一直饿到肚子都饿坏了,所以我们就抽了很多钱,然后就开枪打死了船长。“下一签落到了南希的大副手里,他做了一道精致的菜;然后我们对海军候补生的胃口我们七个幸存者留下了。“然后我们杀了他的太阳,他长得很像猪; Then we wittled free, did the cook and me, On the crew of the captain's gig. "Then only the cook and me was left, And the delicate question, 'Which Of us two goes to the kettle?' arose, And we argued it out as sich. "For I loved that cook as a brother, I did, And the cook he worshipped me; But we'd both be blowed if we'd either be stowed In the other chap's hold, you see. "'I'll be eat if you dines off me,' says TOM; 'Yes, that,' says I, 'you'll be, - 'I'm boiled if I die, my friend,' quoth I; And 'Exactly so,' quoth he. "Says he, 'Dear JAMES, to murder me Were a foolish thing to do, For don't you see that you can't cook ME, While I can - and will - cook YOU!' "So he boils the water, and takes the salt And the pepper in portions true (Which he never forgot), and some chopped shalot. And some sage and parsley too. "'Come here,' says he, with a proper pride, Which his smiling features tell, ''T will soothing be if I let you see How extremely nice you'll smell.' "And he stirred it round and round and round, And he sniffed at the foaming froth; When I ups with his heels, and smothers his squeals In the scum of the boiling broth. "And I eat that cook in a week or less, And - as I eating be The last of his chops, why, I almost drops, For a wessel in sight I see! "And I never larf, and I never smile, And I never lark nor play, But sit and croak, and a single joke I have - which is to say: "Oh, I am a cook and a captain bold, And the mate of the NANCY brig, And a bo'sun tight, and a midshipmite, And the crew of the captain's gig!'"